a thousand years, koi carp

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Hakus pov
It was the next morning, the sun shines through the window as the warmth burns my face “ughhhhhhh" I groaned while sitting up putting my hand above my eyes to avoid the sunlight. I turn my head to look to my left seeing raven all snuggled up against my side under my arm “wakey wakey beautiful” I whispered in her ear as she opens her eyes while rubbing them and sitting up “mmmmmmhhh I’m up" she sighs while stretching her front and back dragon paws as her dragon toes spread apart “it’s so hot and bright in here" raven groans as she flops back down on the bed shoving her head under a pillow to get away from the blinding sunlight as the sun shines in ravens dragon fur “I know that’s because its summer" I stood up and walked towards the balcony.

opening the slidey doors to let the summer breeze in the room “I need to cool down” raven said as she nudges her head under my arm from behind “we could go to my river and go for a paddle" I suggested as raven perked up “can we feed the koi carp as well" she said “of course I’m sure they will love that plus you can actually pet them too" I look at raven as she cocks her head to the side adorably smiling at me and I smile back at her in return “I didn’t know they like to be petted" she said “oh yes koi carp are gentle giants they adore being petted. They’re ever so friendly too” I explained while I sat on the edge of the balcony letting my feet dangle as raven turns into her semi dragon form and sits next to me leaning her head against the side of my arm.
I wrap my arm around her, keeping her close to me “shall we get going” I said smiling while we both stood up “yes let’s go” raven runs back inside the room opening the bedroom door and running through the hallway getting excited about seeing the koi carp in my river “wait up gorgeous" I ran out of the room and legged it through the hallway catching up to her until I managed to catch up with her as I was right behind raven. Once we arrived at my river, I took a few stretches and some deep breathing exercises “you ready to go in the water” I open my eyes while picking raven up “yes I’m ready” I put her down as she takes her bathhouse uniform off leaving her in her shorts and apron “I’ll wait until you go in first" raven said as she dipped her toes in the water taking her foot straight back out “brrr its bloody freezing" she said as I chuckled at her reaction “the sun will warm the water up" I said while rubbing ravens back as I took my bathhouse uniform off and my flip flops off leaving me in my shorts “it’s not too deep is it" raven questioned “no. you’ll be alright it’s quite deep but not too bad" I get in the water as I swam a little bit “come on I got you” I swim towards raven holding her hands as she slowly walks in the water.
When she walks forward, the water rises up to her chest and she starts to panic “your alright its okay. see I’m here" I comforted her while I slowly walk backwards as raven shuffles forward and stopped in the middle slightly of the water “you won’t drown I’ll make sure it wouldn't happen. Look" i slowly let go of ravens hands as she stands still and I slowly lean myself back against the water as I float above the water “see. You float give it a try” I sat myself back up as raven slowly swims over towards me. I get behind her gently holding her by under her arms as she slowly leans back “its alright I got you" I look at her in the eyes as she looks at me and smiles “that’s it. see gorgeous nothing to worry about” I said while raven sits back up and wraps her arms around me as her tail floats above the water until she squeaked “oh my God something just touched my foot" she panicked slightly by clinging onto me quite firmly.

I look down at the water seeing a koi carp swimming by “its just a koi carp love. Look" raven looks down above her as she sees the koi carp that swam past “oh" she blushes in embarrassment “they won’t bite they’re very friendly. Watch this" raven looks at my hand as I encourage a koi carp to come over by flicking my fingers above the water as the water flicks making a vibrating wave as a big orange koi carp comes over they're harmless" I stroke the koi happily as it poked its head above the water “go ahead" I held ravens hand gently placing it on the koi’s head “it feels smooth” she said “yeah they’re quite smooth and slimy and look they have little whiskers too just like me and you when we are in our dragon forms” I pointed out as I got some food out for the koi carps “watch this they will all come out” I shook the big bucket of food for the koi's and they all come swimming up “that’s incredible” said raven while I sprinkle the fish food around “wanna give it a go" I held the bucket in my hand as raven gladly takes a small handful and does the same technique as me “look at that one" raven points out as I see a black and gold one “that ones pretty, that’s a baby one its smaller than the others” I encourage the black and gold koi with my hand as it comes over wanting to be petted “do they get fed every day" said raven “sometimes they do. whenever I’m not at work I come and visit them" I said.
While me and raven are in my river, all the koi’s swam away as a few stayed with us “you know. these koi's tend to get very big when they’re fully grown" ravens eyes widen as I chuckled at her reaction “how big" she said “that big" I pointed at a giant silverish whitish coloured koi “that one is huge" raven went completely wide eyed as it comes up towards us nudging my waist “that ones a ghost koi, they’re called that because they look like a ghost” I explained while stroking the koi carp “its pretty" she said as the koi swims up towards raven as she gets a little bit spooked “its alright he wants you to pet him. he’s very lovable” raven puts her hand on the koi’s head as it nudges against her hand “see he likes you” I gave raven a comforting smile as she smiles back.
A few hours passed all the koi’s swam away since it’s gotten dark “let’s head back” raven puts her hands up while I picked her up and held her in my arms while walking back onto the soft grass. I put raven down and wrapped a towel around her “no need" she stopped me as she turns to her dragon form, shaking her body as the water from her fur gets all over me “come here” I picked her up in a towel and carried her while walking back into the bathhouse. When we arrived, I walk up the stairs all the way to our room “can we put the fire on" raven shivered slightly as I put the fire on while drying my body with a towel and put it over my head drying my hair “there you go. I’ll make us some tea, I’ll be back in a second. stay here where its warm and cosy" raven looks and smiles at me while she sits in front of the fire as I quickly sped walk all the way down to the kitchen to heat up the teapot and pick up a few sugar cubes “there all done" I pick up the tray that had the teapot filled with tea and carefully walked my way back. I also picked up a few bits of food for me and raven to snack on.
When I got back, I put the tray that was filled up with a couple of goodies down on the bedside table and saw raven sleeping on the ground with my bathhouse robe on in her dragon form “come on sweetheart let’s get some hot food and a warm drink in you” I whispered while scooping her up and carrying her to the bed. I shuffled myself on the bed and lay raven down so she was laying on her front with her head on my chest half asleep “I brought some onigiri" I said while taking a onigiri out of the paper parcel that was wrapped to keep the food fresh and breaking a little bit off “here I bet your hungry" raven eats the small piece of the onigiri out of my hand and I started eating the other piece.

After we had something to eat, raven was licking my hand “what’s up. your wanting cuddles" I cooed as raven snuggles into my chest burying her head under my chin for warmth while licking my chin making me smile as her tail wags slowly and her claws digging into my skin slightly as she clings onto me.
I stroke her forehead, ruffling behind her dragon ears making her growl lowly and happily. Once raven wanted to have a cuddle and some food, her mouth was a little bit dry since she was constantly licking her lips and she was a little bit cold since she was chittering slightly “here have a few sips of this to warm you up” I held the cup full of tea as she takes a few gulps down as the warm liquid warms her up “I feel warmed up now" she said “I’m glad" I said while I took a few sips from my own warm drink “today was fun" said raven “yes it was. I found it quite funny how one of the koi's scared you by brushing past you” I chuckled slightly “yeah I never felt a koi carp before” she said “you have now" I said as raven lays her head back down on my bare chest “your nice and warm" raven nuzzles her head against my chest as she turns into her semi dragon form “I’m always warm" I said while running my fingers through ravens hair and gently scratching her shaved side of her head soothingly with one hand and gently running my fingers through ravens dragon fur on her tail with my other hand “your soothing me to sleep” she squeaked while I cupped her tail under my hand comfortingly as she begins to doze off to sleep “sleep well my beautiful girl” I whispered while I kissed ravens forehead making her smile in her sleep so I started to sing to her.
“Heart beats fast. Colours and promises
How to be brave
How do I love
When I’m afraid to fall"
“But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt,
Suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer”
“I have died everyday,
Waiting for you
Darling, don’t be afraid,
I have loved you for
A thousand years"
“I’ll love you for
A thousand more”
“Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything,
Take away"
“What’s standing in front of me
Every breath,
Every hour has come to this"
“One step closer.
I have died everyday,
Waiting for you
Darling, don’t be afraid,
I have loved you for
A thousand years"
“I’ll love you for
A thousand more
And all along I believed,
I would find you"
“Time has brought
Your heart to me,
I have loved you for
A thousand years"
“I’ll love you for
A thousand more.
One step closer
One step closer”
“I have died everyday,
Waiting for you
Darling, don’t be afraid,
I have found you for
A thousand years”
“I’ll love you for
A thousand more
And all along I believed,
I would find you"
“Time has brought
Your heart to me,
I have loved you for
A thousand years
I’ll love you for
A thousand more”
“I loved you for
A thousand years
And I’ll love you for
A thousand more"
After I finished singing the song I felt tears running down my eyes as I gotten a bit overwhelmed. I look in the corner of my eye seeing lin offering me a tissue “you okay" lin rubs my back slightly while i dry my eyes with a tissue “yeah just sung a beautiful song to raven. It just hit me" I explained “I can tell you sung brilliantly” she said “thanks it’s to represent on how much I love raven and hoping to love her for a thousand more years to come" I smiled “get some sleep I’ll check up on you two tomorrow” lin leaves the room as I start to fall asleep as my dreams take over me.

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