Part 15

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Hello Everybody!!! I am terribly sorry I have not been updating lately...I had some personal/stressful issues that have now been cleared up! As well as I recently started school again, I'll try my best to update even with school but I don't think it'll be too hard as I got a new keyboard meaning I can write my stories more efficiently now!!! I definitely prefer typing on a keyboard rather than on my phone all day...Anyway, on to the story!!!

Before dinner, Gabe was set on having the teenagers go through the obstacle course all his soldiers went through. He was sure it was intricate and difficult. "Now don't feel bad if you can't complete it, My soldiers go through intense training to complete this course so I don't expect too many of you to make it to the very end." Gabe said confidently.

"I go through intense training at my school, so I'm sure I'll Ace it." James said confidently.

Desmond sighed. "Can't I just pass...?" Despite have grown up quote a bit, Desmond wasn't very confident in his abilities. Though to be fair, he was a chemist, not a Knight like James or a Pro Athlete like Hugo.

"Oh I'm sure you'll all do great." Elena chirped encouragingly.

"This'll be loads of fun!" Sofia squeaked excitedly.

Hugo rolled up his sleeves, he was intent on making it through the whole course and impressing Sofia.

"Any volunteers?" Gabe asked.

"Oh I'll-" James started, but he was pushed aside by Hugo.

"I'll go first!!" Hugo exclaimed. 'Not this time James!' He thought to himself as he smirked triumphantly.

James grunted defeatedly, though that didn't ruin his spirits. "I'll go second!" He exclaimed.

"Alright then! Right this way!" Gabe said happily, leading Hugo onto the obstacle course first.

Hugo took a deep breath and took off quickly, he did a bit of parkour and had to climb a few things. He almost fell back into the water but managed to get his bearings at just the right moment. He finished the course really quickly, in fact, Gabe was shocked—-but impressed.

"That was awesome!" Gabe exclaimed.

"Great Job Hugo!" Sofia complimented.

"Thanks!" Hugo said proudly. "Beat that, James." He said competitively.

"Oh You're on!" James said running onto the course almost as quick as Hugo, he was however slightly more cautious than Hugo had been and so he made fewer mistakes. He completed the course just as fast as Hugo.

Everyone began clapping and complimenting James' skills.

"That was—-" Gabe said dumbfounded. Not only one but TWO teenagers were able to complete his course——which mind you, he believed was difficult and intricate, in less time than ANY of his soldiers had! He really needed to get them better trained.

Elena giggled as  she watched her husband mentally panic. She had, had a feeling that this would happen.

"That was Awesome James!" Sofia said fist bumping her brother.

"Is that what they teach at your school? You had no trouble with the course at all!!" Isabel praised.

"You could say that." James laughed.

"Alright then, while Gabe mentally prepares himself to make a harder obstacle course, who would like to go next?" Elena asked.

"I'll Go!" Sofia exclaimed, she was probably the next best athlete in the group, though since she hadn't done sports in a while, like Desmond, she wasn't too confident in her abilities.

"You'll do great Sof." Hugo said, gently squeezing her shoulder as he noticed she was slightly nervous.

Sofia smiled at Hugo softly, "Thanks Hugo." Before making her way onto the obstacle course.

She was a bit slower than James, however she was just as cautious——but pretty Clumsy. She almost fell several times—to where she'd slow down a little and take a few shaky breaths. She quickly regained her confidence though and sped up the farther into the obstacle course she got. She got there about a minute past James and Hugo's times.

"That was Great Sof!" Hugo exclaimed running up to her and helping her down.

"Thanks!" Sofia said a little out of breath.

"That Was Excellent Sofia!" Elena praised.

"Yea you did great!" James pitched in.

"alright then, I think I'll go next!" Isabela announced.

She cracked her knuckles readying herself for "take off." Confident that because the first three could do it, she'd be able to ace it as well. She took off as fast as her feet would take her with no regard for her own safety. Though her grin was confident she was visibly clumsier than Sofia had been. Isabel had merely made it halfway when she tripped and fell down into the crashing waves of the Ocean.

"Isa!!!" Elena and James yelled out. They had watched in horror as she slipped, hit her head on one of the obstacles only to fall into the crashing waters.

Sofia gasped covering her mouth.

Hugo instinctively put his arms around her comfortingly as they watched James dive into the water after Isabel.

In a matter of seconds he had re-emerged from the water, holding an unconscious Isabel in his arms.

"Guards! Go back to the castle and fetch a doctor immediately! We'll meet you there." Gabe ordered.

Elena rushed over to James and Isabel worried sick. "Isa! Isa please wake up!" Elena cried.

"Quickly, get her in the carriage!" Gabe said hurriedly, picking up Lucas and leading everyone there.

James placed Isa in the carriage, Gabe Elena and Lucas jumping right after. "We don't all fit.." James sighed.

"Yup guys go, Me and one other person can walk, or try to find a Jaquin." Sofia suggested.

"yea, I'll stay behind with Sof." Hugo said volunteering.

"Are you sure?" Elena asked.

"Yea, I can stay too—" Desmond started

"NO! I mean—no, we'll be fine. I'll keep Sofia safe—-not that she needs protecting—-but y'know." He said nervously.

Everyone nodded.

"Alright then, be careful." Elena said as the carriage doors were shut and the Carriage sped off towards the castle.

"I Hope Isa will be okay..." Sofia said worriedly.

Hugo placed her hand in his, squeezing it gently. "I'm sure she'll be fine." He said softly.


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