Part 16

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Sofia and Hugo walked through the village they didn't really make it too far before a Carriage made its way over to them and offered them rides back to the castle—-Hugo had been hoping for some time alone with Sofia but he could tell she was tired so he accepted. He felt uncomfortable however because the Merchant who offered them a ride had two sons with him——they were both handsome but the issue was, they seemed to have taken an interest in Sofia so Hugo made sure to block her from their View. He glared at them letting them know to not even try it. They clearly got the message. Or so he thought...

He was talking with Sofia when—-



Two thuds in a row...everything went black. Hugo could feel his consciousness fading, what was going on?! Was Sofia okay?! No. He heard two thuds but only felt one, meaning she got a blow to the head just like he did. It was obvious now they were both victims of kidnapping. Just before he completely blacked out, Hugo vowed he would kill whoever hurt his Sof.

Time skip: 5 hours later (Hugo's P.O.V)

"Father, I think the Boy is waking up now." A Male teenage boy said.

"Don't touch him!" Fumed a girl.

Wait...that voice...It suddenly all came back to me. We had taken that nice looking farmer up on his offer to give them a ride, and before I knew it, I was out cold. Is Sof okay?! By the sound of it she was in distress. I felt weak, my head was throbbing and I could now feel the sticky liquid that covered most of my head. I slowly started to open my eyes, groaning in pain as I tried to move.

"Sof...?" I managed to say, my voice coming out as a barely a whisper.

"Hugo!" She cried, tears dripping down her rosy cheeks.

I could feel my blood boil as I saw her there, tied to a wooden pole, blood running down her beautiful face, staining her dress and her precious brown locks of hair. She too had a wound on her head from being knocked out. Adrenaline began coursing through my body and I began thrashing around Frantically.

"YOU BASTARDS" I screamed. "LET US GO——I'LL KILL YOU!! HOW DARE YOU HARM HER—-" before i could continue however my face felt a sudden impact and my head once again throbbed with pain as it hit against the pole I was tied to.

"Oh shut it." Growled the second teenage boy, he had kneed me in the face.

"DON'T HURT HIM PLEASE!!" Sofia begged, crying more than before after seeing me hurt by the boy.

"What'cha gonna do bout it missy?" Asked the same boy who kneed me, he was getting too close to Sofia. He grabbed her chin forcing her to look up at him. "Y'know you're kinda cute...maybe I'll keep you here with me forever~" He mocked.

I opened my mouth to speak, anger coursing through every vein in my body. But before I could the other Teenager intervened.

"That's enough Gregory." He spat, pulling his brother off of Sofia and causing him to fall on the ground. "We don't need to hurt them more than we already have." He said.

"What do you want from us?!" I growled, still making an effort to escape, except this time, I had a plan. I remembered a 'magic' trick I was showed by one of my friends that you could use to snap a rope and free your wrists, I tried to distract them and the moment I broke free I'd—

"Not so fast pretty boy." The teenager said, moving around to re-enforce the rope on my arms. "Didn't think it'd be that easy did ya?" He chuckled.

"tch" was all I could say. I really am pathetic amn't I? I can't even keep the girl I love safe—-let alone tell her 3 simple words. Some prince I am, makes me wonder if I really am worthy of marrying her...maybe she's better off with some other prince.

"To answer your question. We want nothing from you. It's from your parents we want. They'll pay hefty amounts of money for your safe return." The boy finally answered.

"Seriously Gabriel? Telling them our plan?" Gregory spat annoyed.

"Atleast I didn't beat them." Gabriel spat back.

I opened my mouth to speak but I was beat to it yet again, this time by Sofia.

"Pathetic." She scoffed.

"What?" Both Gregory and Gabriel asked in Unison.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you too were deaf." She retaliated.

Both boys were clearly angered, what was she trying to gain from this?! I worried for her, she was only going to make things worse by provoking them like that.

"Listen her lady, we're not the one's tied up so——" Gregory started.

"So if anyone's pathetic here it's me? Is that what you're going to say?" She mocked. "Well think again, because firstly, We come from two VERY wealthy kingdoms and are allied with many others——who by the way could send millions of soldiers to fetch us—- though seeing as there's only three of you and one of you is an old man—-they need only send my brother. SECONDLY you're all cowards for using such a tactic—-knocking us out really? Oh by the way you did a horrible job tying my up." She said.

Gregory and Gabriel stood there dumbfounded as they watched Sofia stand up after freeing herself and pretty much roasting them. I was shocked myself, but i should've expected it. Sofia HAS always been a smart and strategic girl. Badass if i do say so myself.

"What? Did you perhaps think all you had to do was immobilize the strong prince and you'd be safe?" Well, guess again. This Protector, can fight." She grinned charging at the two boys and taking them down with ease now that she wasn't restrained.

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