Part 4 💞

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Sofia was the first to look away her rosy cheeks still the same as 5 years ago. She bit her lip looking nervously at the ground.

"Can we come out yet?" Isabell whispered to James who was still holding her hand.

Sofia spun around hearing someone's voice. "Who's there?!" She demanded.

James Mentally slapped himself but stepped out along side Isa. "It's just us Sofia!" He said. "Isabell wanted to say hi too." He said lifting his hand to rest it on her shoulder only to realize he was holding her hand.

Isabell smiled at him awkwardly as he blinked a few times in confusion. "Oh uh—-sorry about that!" He said letting go of her hand immediately.

"It's alright." Isabell said clasping her hands together as the warmth of James' hand left hers; as soon as he had let go it felt like a wave of cold had invaded her hand.

Sofia let out a giggle as she walked over to Isabell and gave her a tight hug. "It's so good to see you again Isa!" She said happily.

"Ooh but clearly not as good as Seeing Hugo huh~" Isabell cooed.

Sofia let go of Isabell her face becoming bright pink, "wha—-I—No—I mean—it's not—" She stuttered waving her hands around.

Isabell and James broke out laughing while Sofia covered her face in attempt to hide how flustered she was and Hugo glared at them for the teasing.

Everyone turned their attention in the direction of the main ball room as they heard the trumpets flair once more. "Presenting Princess Clio (and her family)!" One of the guards announced.

"Clios here?!" Sofia and James said unanimously. The four royals started making their way back downstairs at full speed. Meanwhile Amber and Desmond had already arrived to greet Clio.

"Clio!!" Amber shouted excitedly, both princesses embraced each other sharing a hug.

"Amber!! It's so good to see you again!!" Clio said softly. She was wearing her usual Magenta Gown and like all the other girls her hair had grown considerably longer.

Once they let go Clio looked around the castle briefly, "where is—-I mean where are James and Sofia?" Clio asked.

Amber frowned at their mention but shrugged it off quickly. "Oh I think James went upstairs with Hugo and Isabell to get Sofia. She's been out of it lately and wasn't here to greet anyone today." She said waving her hand dismissively. "I don't know what's gotten into her lately, she's been irritating!" She grumbled.

Clio frowned "that is strange usually Sofia would be happy to greet everyone especially—-oh umm never mind hehe" Clio said laughing awkwardly.

Amber and Desmond gave her confused looks and then turned around to see that the others had arrived. Sofia stood there frowning at Amber disappointedly meanwhile James glared at her disapprovingly.

Hugo placed his hand on Sofia's shoulder as a way of comforting her but also as a means of support in a way. Isabella stood beside James glaring at Amber a frown on her face.

"That was uncalled for Amber." James said sternly. "I get you don't want Sofia transferring schools but that isn't something to be mad over."

Amber looked away refusing to meet their eyes and not responding.

Desmond and Clio looked from Amber to the rest and back not sure what was going on; Hugo and Isabella weren't 100% sure what the squabble was about either but they knew Amber was in the wrong on this one.

In an attempt to break the tension Clio walked over to the group quickly, she threw herself at Sofia and James hugging them both tightly. "Sofia, James!! It's been a while!!" She said excitedly.

Sofia forced herself to smile the best she could not really feeling very optimistic anymore. "Hey Clio!! It has hasn't it? How have you been?" She asked escaping from her embrace, however she kept hugging James for a while longer resting her head on his chest for a few seconds.

James blushed slightly "o-oh hey Clio—" he stuttered.

Isabell frowned; she didn't like how long she held onto James and told herself he was uncomfortable. She cleared her throat catching the princesses attention.

Clio let go of James turning to Isabell with a confused look on her face. "Oh hi there...umm I'm sorry I don't think we've met before. I'm Clio.." she said curtsying.

Isabella returned the gesture with a forced smile on her face. "It's nice to meet you names Isabell."

Suddenly the tension in the room multiplied by quite a bit. There was tension between Amber James and Sofia and then there was Clio and Isa. Meanwhile Hugo and Desmond were focused on trying to cheer up Sofia and Amber.

Hugo grabbed Sofia's arm beginning to gently pull her towards the garden. "Hey Sof we haven't done Ice Dancing in a while why don't we go outside and do it like old times?" He said enthusiastically; seemingly forgetting about the fact that James mentioned Sofia was switching schools.

"Oh um sure! That sounds like fun!" Sofia said a little surprised by Hugo's sudden outburst but looking forward to it as a soft smile spread across her face.

Desmond frowned wishing he could be as straight forward and bold like Hugo, unfortunately he wasn't as close to Amber as Hugo was with Sofia and he didn't even know what to do with Amber.

Amber Frowned as she watched Hugo and Sofia walk off. She was envious of them. They had such a nice relationship; it was so obvious they liked each other and they weren't afraid to show affection towards each other. They were always there for each other and helped each other through thick and thin. She wished she could have something like that...

Desmond noticed a sad look cross Ambers face. 'She seems sad...maybe she's upset about Sofia..? Or...does she still like Hugo..?' He thought to himself. He remembered still how at RFA most of the girls especially Amber adored Hugo. That seemed to change when Hugo bullied Sofia before they became friends but Hugo had become much more handsome over the years.

Amber noticed the distraught look on Desmond's face and decided she could feel envious some other time. "Desmond! Why don't we go get something to eat? We can take it up to my room!" She offered.

Desmonds eyes lit up as he looked at her. "Sure!" And with that they walked off leaving James with Clio and Isa who seemed to despise each other already...they were Love Rivals.

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