Part 30

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Before amber could finish greeting him, she stopped in her tracks gaping as she watched him get down on one knee. At this point everyone in the ballroom had gone silent and was watching excitedly.

Desmond pulled out a crimson colored box outlined with shiny gold lace, holding it with one hand and gently placing the other one atop as he lifted the top slowly. With a shaky breath he revealed a beautiful golden ring with a beautiful diamond shaped emerald on top.

There were murmurs rippling all across the ballroom as all the teens admired the mesmerizing jewel. They watched in awe; some of the girls trying to hide their squeals of excitement or slight jealousy.

Amber could feel her eyes tearing up as a huge smile spread across her face—this, THIS was her Fairy Tale dream come true. She held up her quivering hands to her face; shock and excitement welling up inside her.

"Amber...Will you—Will you marry me?" Desmond asked, his voice was confident and he didn't falter a single time. He had practiced this in his mind too many times to go back now. He looked her right in the eyes, his gaze filled with too many emotions to count.

"Oh Desmond" Amber sighed dreamily. "yes! Yes I will!" She squealed, throwing herself on him and wrapping her arms around him—completely forgetting to be proper. She started crying tears of joy as the ballroom erupted in applause and loud cheers.

Desmond let out a shaky sigh of relief, wrapping his arms around Amber momentarily before releasing her, standing up and holding out his hand for her to take. Once she took it he slipped the ring onto her finger and planted a kiss on top.

"That was so Romantic!" Clio sighed dreamily.

"They're perfect for each other." Sofia said softly, holding her hand to her chest.

"Yeah." Hugo agreed curtly, slipping his hand to Sofia's and intertwining their fingers.

Meanwhile Zandar elbowed James playfully, "Next has gotta be you dude." He teased pointing at Clio, Vivian, and Isa who were all standing together mooning over the proposal.

James brushed him off ignoring the comment, however he too was still extremely nervous.

The rest of the room erupted into loud cheers and applause—it seemed this Ball had done exactly what it was created for; help princes and princesses find a Fiancé! They were the talk of the hour, it was a while before everyone seemed to forget what happened. The royals spent the rest of their time chatting with one another before the ball imminently came to an end.

Everyone walked off to their respective carriages chatting excitedly and saying good bye to each other—couples kissed or hugged before separating from one another. It was heart warming for the hosts of the ball to watch.

If you're wondering—which you probably are, how our lovely friends said good bye to one another here you go!

Sofia and Hugo watched as their friends said good bye; Hugo had his arm wrapped around Sofia, he held her close feeling like he never wanted to let go of her—ever.

They watched as Amber and Desmond hugged goodbye—the new couple still a little too awkward to kiss goodbye. Amber seemed to whisper something in Desmond's ear making him blush before he kissed her hand and helped her into the carriage—retreating to his own shortly after a huge smile on his face.

Clio waved good bye to everyone her carriage leaving before most of theirs followed by Ryans and then Wynters as well.

Luke helped Isa up into the carriage being ushered on shortly after by one of the chauffeurs before they took off in the carriage.

"Guess I'm riding with James then." Sofia noted looking around for her brother but not finding him—had he left already? Surely they wouldn't have forgotten about her.

"I'm sure he's around." Hugo reassured her picking up on her unease at not spotting her brother. "And if he did happen to leave you could always sleep over...Dad would love to have you over." He grinned.

Sofia's eyes sparkled "A very tempting offer my prince" She giggled cuddling close to him as they waited a together a while longer.

Meanwhile with James...

James was about to exit the ball room along with all the others when he felt his someone tug on his sleeve. He turned back to see a certain raven haired princess with shimmering blue eyes. "Viv..." He breathed.

"James..." She spoke, her voice almost a whisper, her eyes seemed to sparkle at the sight of him as she held a gentle grip on his sleeve—it seemed as if time stopped for them both. They didn't notice the many carriages leaving outside— her eyes shifted to the entrance to the garden and James seemed to understand what she was signaling at.

Without another word they both walked out to the garden walking around and admiring the collection of Winter plants that were well kept. They stopped by a fountain neither of them daring to speak. Finally Vivian broke the silence.

"It's been a long time hasn't it." She said softly, turning to smile at him.

He nodded "It has." He smiled back at her, taking in her beauty as the moonlight complimented her features.

"James...I..." She started a rosy pink color slowly melting onto her cheeks.

He took a step towards her his gaze softening, without thinking he reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand—somehow before she even spoke he seemed to know what she was about to say; and for once he felt sure of what he wanted as well.

"I know." He murmured softly, his face inching closer to hers—she didn't seemed surprised or flustered—instead she moved to meet him halfway before their lips softly touched and they shared a long passionate kiss.

Then they parted both of them smiling warmly at one another, James took her hand in his and kneeled in front of her, "Vivian will you do me the honor of being the next queen of Enchancia?" He planted a small kiss on her hand as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Of course I do." She giggled softly, kneeling down on the ground in front of him and touching her forehead to his. They both closed their eyes enjoying each other's company for just a few minutes.

(Hello everyone! Terribly sorry for my very long Hiatus! I had some unfortunate family problems and lost motivation for basically everything I liked doing but I'm back now!! I'll try to update as much as possible however this isn't the only FanFic I left on Hiatus so update may be a little spaced out...Thank You to those who are still reading after all this time ^^)

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