Part 32

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~A Few Hours Earlier~

Blitz was escorted to the Enchancia Royal Stables by the royal farrier. He admired the stalls and the pretty gardens they passed on their way there. He definitely caught the eyes of several of the mares that were in there. He was brushed down and then left in his stall to eat some top quality Hay & Oats.

From the corner of his eye he spotted a flash of movement— he spun around only to find a small black cat with white dapples on his flank and curious amber eyes. "Who are you?" The regal horse snorted.

"Oh just the local barn cat." The Cat replied smiling as he leapt onto the stall gate— his beady eyes following everyone of Blitz's moves. Creepily.

Blitz flicked his ear and returned to eating keeping an eye on the strange cat.

"So...I hear the princess is your new owner. How's That?" The cat asked his eyes twinkling.

Blitz brightened up immediately at Sofia's mention, "Yes! She is absolutely amazing! She is very polite just like one should be and she tells the most amazing stories while we fly!!" he beamed.

"Really? So she understands you?" The cat inquired.

"Yes! Yes! It's absolutely amazing!" He responded still chewing on oats.

"Tell me...does she wear a pretty pink jewel around her neck?" He asked a hint of sadism in his voice.

"Yes she— did you know that?" Blitz asked suddenly, a chill creeping down his spine.

"Thanks little pony" The cat rasped, a forked tongue sliding out of its mouth as it began to shift. "I've been looking for your precious Princess for a long time."

Blitz watched in horror as the cat turned into a slender dragon about the same size as him, he had pitch black scales and those same beady eyes.

"How did you—Who—" Blitz started guilt washing over him. Whoever this guy was—he was looking to harm Sofia; and Blitz had just led him straight to her.

The dragon sneered his scales rippling and camouflaging with their surroundings until he was completely gone. He would definitely go track down Sofia. Blitz neighed loudly and kicked at his stall door flailing his wings around until he caught the attention of the royal Farrier.

"Woah there boy!" The man shouted swinging the gate open and attempting to calm him down but Blitz took this chance to charge out of the stables his white mane dancing elegantly with the wind as he took off hoping to reach Sofia before that creepy dragon did.

Hours later he found himself following Hugo and Sofia's carriage from above, being as quiet as possible as to not be spotted. He had no time to admire the lovely couple as his eyes darted around all of his surroundings trying to find the dragon. If he were there he'd definitely attack right now at their most vulnerable, while they were up in the Sky and unguarded.

Blitz allowed himself to relax a little with that fact in mind, he flew to the kingdom of Winchester barely taking a moments rest when he spotted the slithery scales of that damned Dragon crawling its way towards the castle. He neighed loudly stomping his hooves once more and issuing a challenge to it.

The dragon growled, "you insolent fool, you dare get in my way?"

Before Blitz could respond Sofia had already made her way outside to him.

"Blitz—? What are you doing here?!" She asked him attempting to reach over and calm him down, but he refused to let her in the line of sight of that nasty dragon. Soon Prince Hugo arrived pushing her behind him protectively he too sensing the danger. It was soon after that the Royal guard led by the King and eldest prince of the kingdom arrived leading Blitz away from Sofia and to the stables once more.

He felt slightly more relieved however knowing that he had raised the alert and that Sofia would be kept safe and sound within the walls of the Winchester Kingdom. He hoped, however, that he'd get to talk to his rider soon so he could explain to her what happened. She was the only person who could understand him after all.

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