Part 19

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Before we continue this story...I'd like to thank everyone who's been reading this Fanfic and showing so much support for it! You don't know how much it means to me. We have reached 4K reads and it just makes me so happy, so thank you so very much 💕 I'd also like to apologize for the random updates, I'd like to make it more organized so I've been thinking of making a schedule for my updates! Please tell me what you think or any suggestions you have, I can no longer update Daily because of school and Winter break being over but I definitely want to update 2-3 times weekly!

A few options:

Update every 3 days (Next update would be Saturday)

Update Once a week (Would change update days to weekends or Mondays whichever you guys prefer, and would possibly make chapter longer than 1,000+ words like I usually do)

One last thing, a few honorable mentions for some of my most active supporters! 🥰 These are the people I hear from often or even if it's just once it means a lot to me when you guys comment your opinions and thoughts or even Vote on the chapters so tysm 💕


And many more!!! Sorry If you weren't mentioned You are all amazing and Thank You once again! Now I will no longer keep you from reading the FanFic...Onwards!!!


Sofia spent around 2 hours swimming and playing with the marine animals, being in the water relaxed her muscles a ton and she felt so at peace, like all her troubles had gone away. They were about to play a game of tag when a Seagull poked his head in the water, moving his head and motioning for Sofia to come over.

Sofia swam up to the surface to meet the seagull, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Princess! They've discovered your not in your room! You must return quickly!" He warned flapping his wings panicked.

Sofia nodded swimming off in the direction of their ship as fast as she could, her friends and family tended to forget about the powers her amulet granted her. She caught up to the ship and swam deep under to get some momentum as she jumped out of the water and onto the ship, as she landed on the deck, before anyone could see her she chanted "I wish to be a human again." And as if on cue Hugo and James came running onto the deck to find a soaked Sofia sitting on the border of the boat.

"Sof/Sofia!" They both yelled running over to her.

"Did you fall in?!" Hugo asked, removing his jacket and putting it over her shoulders, carefully picking her up and then putting her down on the floor so she wasn't at risk of falling into the water.

Sofia blushed as Hugo gave her his Jacket, remembering his earlier confession again. "Umm Kinda, It's okay though I wanted to go for a swim anyway." She giggled.

"You've gotta be more careful Sofia!" James said just as worried.

"I'm fine, really!" Sofia reassured, laying her hand reassuringly on James' back. "Can you let everyone know I'm alright?" She asked.

James nodded "Sure, I'll go tell dad." He said rushing off.

"I'll go alert the guards, you should take a warm bath and change into dry clothes" Hugo suggested.

Sofias lips quivered, she then grabbed his arm and shouted "W-wait!"

Hugo turned around startled, "Is everything okay?" He asked.

Sofia nodded "Y-Yea I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me and..." she paused before pulling Hugo closer to her and planting a kiss on his cheek. "I Love you Too" She whispered in his ear proceeding to run off before he had time to react.

Hugo stood there dumbfounded—-did she just?! She—She said she—So she heard?! Not to mention she kissed him! On the cheek but still! His face turned a Scarlet red and a huge smile grew on his face, he felt so overjoyed! She DID Like him back! "Yes!" He whisper-yelled, pumping his fist in the air while hoping no one witnessed their little moment—-boy was he wrong.

"hehehe, Nice going baby bro! Looks like you won over the princess!"

Hugo stiffened as he heard that all too familiar teasing voice of his brother, Axel. He groaned "How long have
You been standing there?" He asked.

"hmmm Long enough to see you give the girl the jacket and then get kissed on the cheek by her." He snickered, "aaaaand I wasn't the only one." He grinned goofily, pointing his thumb behind him where three other men were standing around the corner.

"You mean you ALL saw it?!" Hugo exclaimed becoming more flustered than before.

"Congrats Champ! I knew you'd win over the future queen of Welshire sooner than later!" King Garrick cackled walking up and roughly ruffling his sons hair.

"Nice going Dude!" James also congratulated.

"I also congratulate you Hugo, but rest assured I've got my eye on you." King Rolland said, his voice going from cheery to stern in a matter of seconds. "I'm trusting you with Sofia, you better not hurt her." He warned.

Hugo nodded, "I-I would never!" He stammered "I-I love her too much" He mumbled.

"Awwwwww" The other men fawned over the adorable moment.

"That's so sweet son! I can't wait to be a Grandfather!" King Garrick cackled.

"I can." King Rolland said still in protective dad mode.

"Daaaaaaaaad!!" Hugo complained embarrassed. "I'm still in High School!!" He flushed.

"Your not too far from graduating though~" Axel pointed out.

Hugo continued to try to to fight off their teasing, meanwhile with Sofia...

Sofia sat in her room, wearing dry clothes and holding Hugo's jacket. She had done as he said and took a warm bath which honestly felt great, all she could think about was how Hugo's eyes began to glow when she told him she loved him too, she was so happy to know that he felt the same way about her she did about him!

She couldn't wait to see him everyday at school—-and if they got married, hopefully for the rest of her life. That reminded her of something very important, she got her scroll out of her bags and skimmed through every name skipping every one until her gaze landed on the name she was hoping to see. Hugo of Welshire. Her heart leapt with joy as she took out a pen and circled his name rolling it up and putting it safely back in her bag so she could give it to her parents when they got back home.


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