Part 23

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Note: The name Blizzard doesn't rlly sit with me—-so I'm changing the horses name to Blitz TwT

In the end Hugo and Wynter caught up—Sofia came in first, Ryan came in second and Wynter and Hugo tied for third because of the late start. Sofia hopped off Blitz giggling, she took some sugar cubes from a container near by and rewarded him with them. "Nice job Boy!" She chirped, scratching him behind his ears.

"Why Thank You Princess!" He neighed proudly, extending his beautiful white wings and showing them off.

"Woah—that's a fast horse." Ryan admired, leading his stallion over. "This is Nero, by the way have you chosen a name for your horse?" He asked after introducing his stallion.

Sofia nodded as they both began walking back to the stables with their stallions, "At first I thought, maybe blizzard—but its a mouthful and pretty stereotypical since he's a white Horse. That's why I've decided on the name Blitz!" She explained, stroking Blitz's mane, gently running her fingers through his mane.

Ryan nodded, "A fitting name, we didn't see him coming and by the time we did he was at the very front." He laughed. "But don't get too cocky, Nero and I will beat you soon enough." He chuckled.

"Blitz and I aren't planning on loosing either." Sofia challenged back.

"We'll see about that." Ryan laughed—both of them leading their horses to their stalls. Surprisingly the stalls were right in front of each other so they'd exchange a few words and jokes while grooming their horses. Soon after Wynter and Hugo walked in with their horses in complete silence—guess the tension was still high between them. Especially since they both tied in third place.

Hugo led Electra into the stall on Sofia's right while Wynter took the stall next to Ryans. They started grooming their horses in silence for the most part only exchanging words with the person next to them.

"That was a lot of fun, wasn't it Hugo?!" Sofia chirped to her Fiancé, closing Blitz's stall after grooming him and heading over to help Hugo with Electra. "Hello Electra, It's been a while." She said, petting Electra and giving her some sugar cubes.

Hugo's eyes softened, the tension and Jealousy leaving his body for a while. "Yeah It was, I'm glad we're going to the same school Sof." He said softly.

Sofia giggled, grabbing a brush and beginning to brush Electra's coat. "I am too! This is a lot more fun than those boring classes at EverRealm Academy—they were all about Poise and Elegance and whatnot." She said the last part in a mocking tone.

Hugo laughed, "You'll have a lot more fun here from now on." He said walking out of Electra's stall and closing it once Sofia was out. "So what'd you name your horse?" He asked her.

"His name is Blitz." She giggled reaching over to pet him again—he seemed content with the action.

"Fitting Name." Hugo chuckled.

"That's what I said!" Ryan laughed as he and Wynter walked over, Wynter seemed a lot more relaxed than earlier as well. Though the truth was Ryan had lectured him about already picking a fight over Sofia when it was her first day there. He had agreed to tone it down a little though as to not ruin Sofias happy mood, though it seemed she didn't notice the tension and if she did she ignored it like Ryan did.

The rest of the day was pretty fun, Sofia had 4 classes with Hugo, 3 with Ryan and 2 with Wynter—so she knew at least one person in each of her classes. She wasn't really friends with anyone except them yet. Ice dancing class wasn't really what she had expected though, she got a lot of nasty looks from girls when Hugo and Ryan waited around for her or just joked around with her in general, regardless it was still fun—well, until...

Sofia and Hugo decided to show off their quadruple fire ball flip from RFA, however just as Sofia was about to leave the ground she felt someone shove her and she fell onto the Ice, barely managing to catch herself. Hugo was yet to notice as he already left the ground but when he did he shortened his ascent to just one flip and landed, quickly joining Ryan to check on Sofia as gasps and murmurs rippled through the rink.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry, that was an accident!!" A redheaded girl said, her voice sickly innocent—too much to be telling the truth. She had clearly done so on purpose.

Sofia opened her mouth to speak but then a blonde girl with brown eyes—clearly the redheads little lackey, came skating over. "No Veronica, its not your fault! That girl was in the way, she should've seen you coming and moved out of the way!" She said, placing her hand on Veronicas shoulder and then glaring at Sofia.

"I-" Sofia started but again she was interrupted, this time by Hugo.

"Excuse me?! We were on OUR part of the rink, you shouldn't have even been in here—and even so her back was facing you not the other way around. So if anything Veronica should've been looking out, not Sofia." Hugo growled defensively.

"Yeah, stop trying to act innocent Veronica, we all know you're a b*tch" Ryan spat, "Your just jealous that we didn't want to practice with you so now you're taking it out on Sofia." He accused, crossing his arms. They had seen this type of behavior from Veronica before so they knew exactly what she was plotting.

Veronica huffed, "I didn't—ugh fine whatever!" She groaned, letting go of the false facade. "What's so special about her anyway—you just met her! So why are you paying so much attention to her!!! I'm going to be your Fiancé soon so I don't see the point!" She half screamed.

Sofia sweat dropped, 'So she must have gotten herself onto Hugos list huh—' she thought, trying not to laugh. 'Poor girl—she won't like what Hugos going to say next...'

Hugo rolled his eyes, "Oh please, as if I'd choose you. Besides, I already have a Fiancé, it was made official just this morning." He laughed triumphantly.

Ryan couldn't help but snicker as well, he softly elbowed Sofia teasingly earning a playful eye roll from her as well as a quiet giggle.

"WHAT?!" Veronica screeched outraged. "WHO?!" She demanded, baring her teeth and clenching her fists.

Suddenly Sofia got an amazing Idea—earlier Veronica had attempted to play the innocent game, so why didn't she do the same thing, she'd act more hurt than she actually was, but she wouldn't exaggerate it like Veronica did. To be honest her Ankle did hurt a little from the fall but she could still exaggerate it a little more. She took a deep breath readying herself emotionally for what she was about to say—-

She skated up to Hugo, making sure not to put a lot of pressure on her "injured" Ankle, and hugged his arm. " ankle hurts..I think it might be sprained.." She said in a soft and pitiful voice, she made her eyes big and worried as she looked at him and then hid behind him when Veronica looked at her in outrage, acting scared of her.

Ryan was dumbfounded at first but he quickly caught on—it seemed the other students didn't however so when Veronica realized it she seemed offended making Ryan want to burst out laughing but he had to hold it in.

Meanwhile, Hugo was flustered at what he had called her, but he had to admit, Sofias acting skills were pretty good. Even he almost believed it even though he knew Sofia would've fought back on her own instead of acting all defenseless. He gave Sofia a soft and loving kiss on the forehead before turning and glaring at Veronica, making it seem like he was totally buying into the trick. "Look what you've done Veronica—"

"What?! But I—" Veronica started in disbelief.

Hugo rolled his eyes at her, "Oh save it, I've had enough of your lies and excuses. Now if you excuse me, I'm taking my Fiancé to the nurse." He said, picking up Sofia bridal style and carrying her out of the rink leaving the other students dumbfounded while others giggled and fangirled over the new couple.

"you've just been served." Ryan whispered to Veronica as he skated past her to catch up to Sofia and Hugo, he felt really cool 😎

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