Part 33

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Sofia had drifted into a deep sleep and didn't wake until she felt the soft light creeping in through the curtains hit her face. She yawned rubbing sleep from her eyes noticing Hugo was no longer there. She felt a little disappointed but of course its not like she expected him to be there when she woke up. She blushed at the thought of waking up beside him every, single, morning.

That's when she remembered the events from last night, she quickly hopped out of bed and changed into a Crimson colored gown with long sleeves starting right under her shoulders along with a sweetheart neckline and a golden tiara. They had really provided her with everything she could possibly need—and the clothes were so gorgeous! She took her time admiring the gowns before she opened her bedroom doors and attempted to walk out.

To her surprise there were two guards standing there and as soon as she tried to leave they crossed their swords in an X shape and stopped her from exiting.

"Apologies Princess Sofia, but for your own safety you are to stay in here until further orders from King Garrick or—" The guard did not get to finish his sentence.

"Overruled." Sofia interjected, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"What—" The same guard started.

"As your...future queen—I overrule that decision and demand you let me through!" She said slightly blushing in embarrassment.

"But that's not how it works princess—" The second guard tried to reason.

"Says who?" Sofia raised a brow.

"Well..uh—" one of the guards lowered their sword trying to find the answer to that.

"That's what I thought, Thanks Gentlemen!" She chirped in a sweet voice lowering the other sword softly with a finger and passing through mimicking Amber's signature hair flip as she walked down the hall in search of King Garrick or Hugo.

She looked out a window to see the castle heavily surrounded by guards, now she felt even more nervous. She frowned, she was a protector she should be out there assessing the situation and finding that threat—then she heard Hugo's voice, not really his, but in her head.

"You may be a protector and probably the most magical princess around, but you're also the future queen of Welshire and your safety is just as important." Hugo would definitely say something like that.

She sighed knowing in a way her inner Hugo voice was right. If she got hurt or captured by whatever was out there she'd only be causing more problems for the guards and the kingdom itself. She made her way through the halls noticing there was guards everywhere she looked inside as well.

She went down the stairs admiring the Welshire castle once again—even though she had been here before already she couldn't fathom how beautiful it was even now. Hugo's home—soon to be her home as well. She smiled at the thought once again, picking up the pace and looking in the first place she thought Hugo might be. The dining room.

To her disappointment he was indeed not there, instead sat his brother waiting patiently for everyone else meanwhile fiddling with some scrolls. "Oh Hey Sofia, you're early—wait a minute how did you even get out the guards should've—" he started suddenly remembering she wasn't supposed to be out of her room.

"I have my ways." Sofia interrupted crossing her arms sassily. "So where's Hugo?" She finally asked.

"He's probably still asleep." Axel shrugged. "You should go get him."

Sofia shook her head, "I'll just wait...I'd rather not go through that a second time." She murmured softly a soft blush spreading across her face,

Axel's eyes twinkled with curiosity, " Do tell what exactly happened ?" He asked.

"I uh—oh! What are those?" She quickly changed the subject grabbing a scroll from Axels pile. "You choosing a Fiancé too?" She asked before rolling up the scroll.

"I actually already have one, but that's for Official Kingdom business—trade requests, Invitations and whatnot. " Axel shrugged taking another scroll.

"Oh—Why don't I help you go through these? I learned about this at my previous school plus I could probably use the practice since Y'knowwww" she offered.

Axel smiled at his future sister in law forgetting about his curiosity for a moment. "all right but you have to tell me everything later okay?"

"No promises!" Sofia giggled.

"Eh, it was worth a shot." Axel laughed handing her a quill and returning to his own scroll.

About half an hour later they had just finished with their last scrolls when King Garrick entered the dining room followed by a very worried looking Hugo.

"But dad—how could they just let her out we've searched the whole castle!!" Hugo argued. "She's—" He and King Garrick turned to look at Sofia and Axel sitting at the table with a pile of scrolls neatly stacked in the center.

"Sof!!" Hugo exclaimed running over to her and wrapping his arms around her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You really need to stop worrying so much Hugo" Sofia giggled "I came to the first place I thought you'd be but I was told you were still asleep so I helped your brother out with these scrolls" She nodded towards the pile.

"My, My you two finished rather quickly." King Garrick noticed. "Usually it takes Axel at least 2 hours to finish that many!" He laughed.

"Sofia was very helpful she works real quick." Axel agreed.

"More proof she'll make a great queen for Welshire!!" King Garrick bellowed patting Sofia's shoulder with a huge grin.

Sofia blushed embarrassed, "You think so?" All three guys nodded and she turned to Hugo a huge smile on her face.

"Now then who wants breakfast?" King Garrick Grinned, as if on cue everyone's stomachs growled hungrily. Everyone burst out into laughter.

Sofia then remembered why she had come out of her room in such a rush, she turned to King Garrick as their food was being served. "Did you end up finding out what happened last night? I noticed all the extra security when I woke up...How is Blitz?" She asked worriedly.

King Garrick frowned, "We were unable to find what the threat was but they're definitely targeting you princess. For now we've sent word to your kingdom but don't you worry you and your lovely stallion are safe here." He smiled comfortingly at her.

Sofia nodded forcing herself to smile. "Do...Do you think I could see Blitz later?" She asked.

"I don't see why not, the stables are within castle grounds and heavily guarded as well." Axel noted, looking at his father expectantly.

King Garrick nodded "Very well, you may. However Hugo and at least two guards must be with you at all times unless you're in your sleeping quarters." He conditioned.

Sofia nodded "Okay...Thank You King—"

Axel took this as a cue and again teasingly said " Ah Ah Ah!"

"Right...Dad" Sofia cut him off not giving him the satisfaction of finishing that sentence. She giggled.

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