Part 29

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WE HAVE OUR WINNERS!!! Only TWO people guessed correctly! I will not reveal who or what their answers were quite yet—but once I figure out exactly how I want the big reveal to go they WILL get their shout out and I will dm them to work out the details for their OC's appearances! ^^ I don't think Wattpad writers usually do this kind of thing so let me know if you guys enjoy it rather than them adding in all their own OC's. If you guys really like this sort of thing I'll try to do it again!


Amber's eyes widened as she looked at the new arrival—It was—Desmond?! Normally she'd feel disappointed that he'd arrive so tardy but—honestly he looked so dashing! Her cheeks grew flushed as she watched him descend down the stairs as he was being introduced.

"Prince Desmond of____"

She could feel a smile growing on her face and though hard she attempted to hide her excitement to see him.

He too was excited to see her—in fact she was the first person she spotted immediately upon entering. He had to look away to avoid falling in the midst of staring at her beauty. 'Today's the Day Desmond' He told himself in his mind. He finally reached the bottom steps and walked over to Amber.

He bowed, "Amber." He said as gentlemanly as possible.

"Desmond." She said, curtsying. Her voice trembled as she attempted to keep it low—she had almost yelled out his name for heavens sake! Why was she so nervous?!

" have you been...?" He mumbled awkwardly—he head felt so confident walking down those steps but now that he stood in front of her—he felt so—

Before he could finish his thoughts—or more like before Amber could answer; Desmond was pulled away from her by two sets of hands.

"Sorry Amber! We're gonna borrow Des for a second!" A male voice chuckled from behind him.

He turned his head ever so slightly to see Hugo and James smiling mischievously behind him. 'Uh-oh...' he thought, suppressing a gulp.

"W-What but—" Amber started to protest only to stop mid-sentence in defeat as they led him away. She glared after her brother "Dangit James!" She growled, clenching her fist.

"Hugo—-James! I can walk Y'know!" He protested, struggling against them.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever." Hugo scoffed, Brushing him off. The two boys led Desmond to the outside courtyard, finally releasing him.

"So?" James inquired.

"What?" Desmond asked, dusting off his Jacket and shirt and then straightening his tie.

"Who'd you pick?" James replied, curiosity emanating from him.

"Who'd you pick?" Desmond shot back, raising an eyebrow and looking James up and down in an almost suspicious way.

James scoffed, 'wow—really Desmond?' He thought.

"He hasn't" Hugo responded for him shrugging.

"Oh yeah? What about you?" Desmond asked Hugo—becoming confused as to why James started laughing.

"Sofia Obviously." Hugo said proudly, smirking as Desmond relaxed his shoulders sighing in defeat. Desmond had to admit, he ran right into that one. He had sort of forgotten that Hugo had submitted his response in the span of the first 20 minutes.

"Fine, Fine. I chose Amber—but I haven't submitted my response yet. I want to be sure that shed be okay with it—I don't want to force her into anything." He admitted, clenching his fist and staring at it.

James smiled, "Gotcha, so then what are you planning?"

"I—Wanted to confess to her today..." He stammered, his words trailing off.

"Wanted? You don't anymore?" Hugo asked.

"I do! It's just...I felt so confident when I arrived—but the moment I saw her I just—fell apart..." He said, his voice filled with dread and defeat.

James and Hugo sulked, both knowing VERY well how that felt. They masked it well but every time they saw their significant other(s) {in James' case} they felt nervous from head to toe. To cope they acted confident or charming in a way.

"I feel ya." James sighed.

"I don't have to deal with it as much anymore but I'm still new to this whole Fiancé thing so yeah, I get it." Hugo added."But keep in mind the nervousness wont go away. You'll have to deal with it even if she accepts your feelings and returns them. It's only natural." He explained. "I'd say just go for it. It's not gonna get any easier if you keep waiting. I heard Ambers list is especially long so if you take too long chances are they'll assume you're not interested and try to set her up with some other prince." Hugo shrugged.

Desmond bit his lip nervously, he didn't like the Idea of Amber being with someone else because he took too long. Determination flooded his eyes and he clenched his fists still trembling nervously. "You're right! It's now or never!" he half shouted. Turning around and beginning to walk back inside.

James and Hugo grinned, trailing close behind him but keeping a safe distance. Hugo trailed off to get Sofia—he was sure she wouldn't want to miss this as he grabbed her hand in his and pulled her away from her friends some of them following after them curiously.

They all gathered in locations where you wouldn't even notice they were watching someone in particular. The atmosphere changed as Desmond approached a stunning blonde. Everyone realized what was going down as they watched his flushed expression.

"Amber." He said somehow managing not to stutter.

"Oh Hey Dez—" She started.

Before she could finish Desmond....


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