Part 31

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James was no where in sight—so Hugo and Sofia assumed that everyone either assumed James was still here and would take Sofia with him—or James left assuming everyone would return in the same carriage. Hugo's Carriage was quick to arrive and so he led Sofia (who looked quite tired) to the carriage grabbing her hand gently and helping her climb on.

He followed quickly after, sitting beside her and closing the door. He nodded to the chauffeur to take them home and they took off waving goodbye to Hildegard and Zander who were the only ones left—or so they thought.

Sofia yawned laying her head on Hugo's shoulder as they enjoyed each others company. They arrived at Winchester shortly after and were met by several servants awaiting Hugo's arrival. They were startled by Sofia's unexpected arrival and half of them rushed off to prepare for her stay.

As Hugo helped Sofia down from the carriage he heard a familiar holler from the Castle Entrance. "Aha! Ye Brought Princess Sofia for a visit; About time!!!"

It was King Garrick who had heard the commotion from his work study and came to check things out. Axel joined him soon after, a smug smile plastered on his face.

"Greetings King Garrick, I'm terribly sorry for dropping in without notice." Sofia curtseyed flashing her soft smile to her future father in law.

"Please Sofia! No more formalities." King Garrick laughed. "You're always welcome here—heck if you wanted you could move in right now. This is your future home after all Princess; and you can call me Dad from now on." He cackled softly ruffling her hair.

"D-Dad—-!" Hugo stammered his face becoming a scarlet red.

Sofia giggled feeling a strange warmth in her heart; it felt nice to be so openly accepted by the Father of the man she loved. That's right, Hugo wasn't just a boy anymore. He was becoming a dashing young man. "Thank You very much King—" She was cut off by Axel.

"Ah Ah Ah—not King; Dad" He grinned teasingly winking at Sofia.

"R-Right umm Dad..." Sofia giggled awkwardly it felt a little strange calling him that.

King Garrick cackled "Ah enough of that! Come now Princess, you must be exhausted why don't you come sit with us and you can tell us all about your recent adventures while the maids get your personal quarters ready." He said leading Sofia into a sort of commons room that had comfortable looking sofas.

"Private Quarters?" Sofia breathed.

"Of course Princess! You are the official fiancé of the crowned prince of Welshire!! You'll have your own private quarters here until you two wed so whenever you want to sleepover you'll have your own room to stay in!" Axel said nonchalantly a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.

"Unless of course you'd prefer to sleep in the same room as your betrothed right away?" Axel cooed cheekily.

Sofia and Hugo's faces immediately flushed with embarrassment. 'That's right' They both thought with a nervous shiver. 'After we Wed—we'll share a bed and—.' Neither of them dared finish those thoughts.

"N-No not—-It's—" Sofia stammered averting her eyes.

"Now Now Axel stop teasing em!!" King Garrick scolded though he too seemed amused.

"Awww man Already Father?" Axel pouted playfully.

Hugo remained silent but he really really wanted to murder his brother at the moment. 'God Axel I swear when you get a girl friend I'll—' He didn't get to finish his thoughts as they heard a loud neigh from the entrance of the castle and the stomping of hooves.

They all spun around and started hurrying back to the front of the castle. "Did one of the horses get out of the stables?!" Axel shouted to his father in disbelief.

"I Dunno my boy—go alert the Royal Guard just in case!" He ordered grabbing his sword from a near by rack and throwing one to Hugo as well. Normally they wouldn't react so uneasily but since the princess was visiting, King Garrick didn't want to take any chances with her safety.

Hugo turned to tell Sofia to stay back only to find she was gone—of course, he should've expected she'd run off ahead.

"Let's catch up to 'er quickly boy!" King Garrick said lumbering through the hallway, he too noticing the lack of Sofia's presence.

Hugo nodded running as fast he could to the castle entrance as they rounded the corner he could just barely make out a glimpse of Sofia's dress as she scurried outside to see what was going on. He picked up the pace passing his father and flying out the door seconds after Sofia.

Hugo Blinked in confusion as he stopped to see a familiar looking white stallion, standing in front of Sofia defensively.

"Blitz—? What are you doing here?!" Sofia asked him, trying to make it to his side to calm him down but Blitz wouldn't let her leave from behind him. Something was out there—hunting Sofia. A soft growl was heard from the bushes far ahead. Within Seconds Hugo was there pulling Sofia behind him and holding out his sword, his eyes darting around as he searched for the threat.

His Father was next to arrive followed by Axel and around six to eight guards. Axel grabbed Blitz's reigns leading him behind the group of Guards despite the Horse's visible complaints. The growling didn't cease instead it seemed to get slightly more aggressive.

Sofia Flinched, retreating to grab Blitz's Reign's from Axel and stroking his mane comfortingly. "What's wrong boy?" She asked softly.

"Danger." Blitz snorted, stomping his hooves on the ground and lashing his tail. He craned his neck to block Sofia from the threats view.

"Champ—get Sofia and 'er horse to safety." King Garrick ordered. "Guards! Go Find whatever is out there!" He hollered. Immediately Sofia was ushered inside Castle grounds with Blitz being taken into the stables. Hugo led her to her private quarters that had just been finished.

Hugo turned to leave but Sofia grabbed his arm, "Please Stay..." She whimpered. Personally She'd have rather gone out there herself looking for whatever was out there—not knowing anything and being cooped up made her feel anxious and she didn't want to be alone.

Hugo nodded, putting his sword against the wall and bringing Sofia into his arms letting her lay her head on his chest while he stroked her hair comfortingly. "I'm sure it's nothing." He said smiling softly; though he was trying to convince himself as well. He wouldn't be surprised if some angry princess sent assassins or something after Sofia angry he chose her instead of them.

Sofia nodded, closing her eyes feeling comfortable in Hugos warm embrace; he led her to the walk in closet so she could get changed waiting for her outside until she was changed into her night gown. He blushed seeing her in her sleep wear but he made himself calm down and had her lay down to sleep promising to stay until she fell asleep.

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