Part 22

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Sofia and Wynter made it to class in the nick of time, their teacher was a tall muscular man with dark black hair and navy blue eyes. He looked to be in his early 30's or so.

"Good morning Mr Khari, this is Sofia, the new transfer students." Wynter greeted the teacher, introducing Sofia to him.

"Ah the newbie huh? I see some potential in ya kiddo, lets see what you've got, come with me." Mr Khari said leading Sofia and Wynter into the stables. "Choose you're horse princess." He said holding his hand out and motioning towards a row of stables filled with gorgeous flying horses. "Any horse you want from the right isle." He said.

Sofia wasn't used to being so accepted when it came to the horse derby—-since well, she was a girl and all. Her past experience at RFA left her with the impression she'd need to prove herself here too, guess she was wrong. She walked along all the stalls scanning all the horses and their reactions to her. Finally she came to a stop in front of the 8th horse, it was a gorgeous stallion, completely white kind of like Wynters hair—but he looked more regal, more elegant. Yet there was also this gentle feeling to him, he almost reminded her of Hugo.

"Hello...May I pet you?" She asked the horse.

He seemed surprised that she was asking, but he seemed to like it better that way as he lowered his head and touched it against her soft hand, neighing in contempt. "Thank Goodness, Someone with manners!" The stallion whinnied.

Sofia giggled, "This one, please." She said turning to Mr Khari and Wynter.

"Great Choice Princess!! That ones one of the best ones in the entire stable, he doesn't usually like people though." The Instructor said, quite impressed.

"He probably wasn't comfortable with how quickly they approached him." Sofia said, reaching over the stallions head and scratching behind his ears.

"He's so mellow now." Wynter said astonished.

"What's his name?" She asked, still stroking the stallions mane.

"He doesn't have one, won't until his rider—-aka now you, gives him one." Mr Khari explained.

Sofia looked at the stallion, "Really?" She asked though the question was directed at the horse.

"Yup" They both said at the same time, though obviously only Sofia could understand the stallion, to Wynter and Mr Khari it sounded like he was snorting.

"hmm..." Sofia racked her brain, thinking of what name she could give him. She wanted one that he could be proud of, one that matched his greatness and elegance.

"By the way, from now on he's yours. Derby Riders get to keep their horse sine we have so many." Mr Khari added.

Sofia smiled, 'Great! We'll be friends for a long time!" She thought smiling. She closed her eyes, thinking hard.

"Why don't you take him for a fly before deciding?" Wynter suggested, heading over to a stall and bringing out a pretty brown and white pinto mare.

"Okay!" Sofia agreed, deciding it'd help her get a feel for what would suit him.

The stallion whinnied happily, "Yes! I get to fly!" He said, spreading and flapping his wings excitedly.

Sofia giggled, she slipped the reigns over his head and quickly groomed him. She then saddled him up and he was ready to ride. With the gold and blue-green coloring on his saddle made him look even more regal. She led him out to the track, meeting up with Mr Khari, Wynter and a bunch of other students who already had their horses out.

She led the stallion over to Wynter and his mare, he was talking to another boy—he had brown hair slightly darker than Sofia's and navy blue eyes. He had a black stallion with a single white stripe down his face. "Hey Wynter!" She called out.

"Oh, Hey Sofia!" He said waving at her. He turned back to his friend, "That's the girl I was telling you about, she picked out the white stallion."

The brown haired boy bowed courteously, "Princess Sofia right? My names Ryan." He introduced himself.

Sofia smiled sweetly, and curtsied as well, "It's a pleasure to meet you." She said politely, from the corner of her eye she saw the white stallion bow as well. She giggled 'such a gentleman!'

"Sofia!!" She turned around to see Hugo walking over to them with Electra behind him, she couldn't help but blush and smile at the memory from earlier.

"You know Sofia Hugo?" Ryan asked him.

"Hey Hugo!" Sofia and Wynter both greeted him at the same time.

"Yea we went to RFA together, and well uh—-She is my fiancé." He added, winking at Sofia who blushed furiously, turning away and facing the white stallion to hide it.

Ryan made the shape of an 'O' with his mouth, Wynter seemed a bit disappointed at first but he quickly shook it off and grinned. "Woah! Who knew I was with your fiancé the whole time Haha!" He chuckled.

"The whole time?" Hugo questioned, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

"He saved her from her nagging brother and helped her get to class on time." Ryan explained for him, picking up on the slight hostility.

"Ahem!" A voice echoed, bouncing off the objects around them. Mr Khari was calling everyone to attention, interrupting Hugo and Wynters Jealousy.

"Today we have a returning student, and a new transfer student!" He announced. "Now, I want to see you all fly some laps!" He ordered, pointing at the track.

On cue all the students hopped onto their horses and raced off, Sofia took the time to make sure the stallion was ready for her to hop on and then she got on.

Hugo and Wynter had waited for her and told her they'd give her a "Head Start." Little did they know, they'd have trouble catching up to her.

"Hiya!" She shouted and immediately the stallion lifted off into the air at incredible speeds, he caught up to the others who had left first quickly, and easily made it up to first place. He was like a snow blizzard burying a kingdom, except instead of snow it was with speed.

She leaned forward with him, "Blizzard." She mumbled, the first name that came to mind. She grinned, he seemed to like the name because he sped up by diving down and then flying up and over one of the tower obstacles. She could hear gasps and surprised yelps as they passed everyone. Man, she got probably the best horse in the Stables. And all she had to do was be polite!

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