Part 27

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"HOW DARE YOU?!" Veronica spat, glaring daggers at Sofia who was now hugging Hugos arm.

"Excuse me?" Sofia asked raising a brow at her, at this point everyone had gone quiet and turned their attention to the outraged Veronica seething furiously.

"You Pushed me!" She hissed.

"Oh I'm Sorry! I didn't see you there." Sofia said innocently, batting her eye lashes and lifting a knuckle to her face. Basically mimicking Veronica from days prior.

"Why You—" Veronica started moving towards Sofia and lifting an arm planning to slap her. She brought her hand down as hard as she could—


Veronica sneered after feeling skin against her hand—but something felt didn't feel as soft and satisfying as she had imagined. She opened her eyes to see Prince Ryan standing in front of her with his hand up—

Ryan smiled cheekily "High Five!" He cooed. He had stepped in at the last minute raising his hand so instead of Veronica slapping Sofia—she gave him a high five!

Veronica drew her hand back to her chest her lips quivering as the onlookers began to giggle and laugh about how she lost her cool and got humiliated right after. She turned around to run off only to bump into someone and fall down to the ground, she let out a whimper acting innocent and hurt once again.

It was James, he had moved to stand behind her glaring down at her—he was furious that she would try to harm his sister. Wynter stood beside him almost equally angry.

Vivian and Clio meanwhile rushed over to Sofia standing beside her as Hugo moved to stand beside Ryan, cornering Veronica. "Veronica" he spat.

"H-Hugo You saw right?! She pushed me! I was just defending myself!" She cried, letting a tear slip from her eyes while on the ground.

"Self Defense my ass." Wynter scoffed, crossing his arms to keep himself from getting Violent. As a prince he shouldn't loose face like that.

"Sorry but I have to disagree." Hugo growled down at her. "She was helping me get away from you." He said dryly. "You were clinging to me despite knowing very well I have a Fiancé. That is in itself very disrespectful of you to Sofia and Me a well. I take it you assume that I'd stoop so low as to cheat on my beloved because you tried to seduce me? Tough Luck, I'm a prince not a Male Whore." He hissed spinning around and walking away from her.

Ryan, James and Wynter stood dumbfounded for a second and then burst out laughing. Some onlookers giggled or even cackled as well—there were a few that started choking on their food! Others murmured and gossiped amazed at what had just gone down.

The next to come up was Amber, she was followed by Hildegard. They both looked at her up and down with a look of disgust. "Despicable—and you call yourself a princess?" Amber snarled turning around and walking away with a dramatic hair flip.

"I do hope you're not the next ruler of your kingdom...I don't think I could allow my kingdom to ally with someone like you." Hildegard sighed following after Amber and being met halfway by Zander who was checking on her to make sure she was okay.

"Sofia are you okay?!" Isa asked.

"James! Now is not the time to be laughing!" Clio scolded, grabbing his arm and bringing him to check on Sofia as well.

"I can't believe that girl..." Vivian mumbled, resting her arm on Sofia's shoulder.

Sofia meanwhile was left dumbfounded—she hadn't expected things to go that far. Still she was happy, at the least now she knew how much everyone cared for her—and how respected she was despite not being born of royal lineage. She started giggling a few tears slipping.

"Sofia are you okay?!" James gasped.

"Why are you crying—-? Did she do something?!" Wynter asked as they all stopped laughing and hurried over.

Hugo got to her quickly cupping her cheeks in his hand, a worried look on his face.

Sofia shook her head wiping a tear from her eye with her finger. "N0, No! I'm happy!" She giggled "I had no idea you all felt so strongly to attack her like that" She said her smile so big it was contagious.

"Of course we care that much Sof." Hugo laughed. "You had us worried there for a second." He sighed, wiping the rest of her tears and planting a kiss on her forehead. "I'd never let anyone hurt you."

"Hey now, protecting Sof is my Job!" James scoffed. "I am her older brother after all" He said proudly.

"And soon I'll be her husband" Hugo boasted, Glaring at James playfully.

Sofias face heated up as bright as a tomato—hearing him say the word 'husband' in that way made her all flustered.


Veronica slipped out of the ballroom angrily, she was heading to her carriage to leave when someone pulled her into a room and locked the door shut. They covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream for help.

"mmph!" She complained as she wriggled around trying to break free.

"Shhh its just me...Sister." The voice said. It was the voice of a mans.

Veronica calmed down and stopped struggling, the man then let her go and turned on the lights. She spun around to face him, an angry look on her face. "What are you doing here?! Where have you been all this time?!" she spat.

"Woah calm down, I've only been gone what, 6 years?" he laughed. "Besides you know very well what happened you just refuse to accept it because you're mother was the reason I disappeared not mine." He said rolling his eyes.

Veronica slapped him, this time she didn't miss. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!" She yelled, tears streaming down her face. "YOU WERE MY BEST FRIEND AND YOU LEFT ME"

The mans expression then went serious, "I left you? No, your mother tried to kill me so that you'd have the throne to yourself. She was a mere mistress, that wasn't enough for her—she wanted more. So she took matters into her own hands and framed my mother."

Veronica was silent.

"But its alright! I'm back now! And I'm going to take back the kingdom! I wont leave you again, don't worry. " He said comfortingly. Wrapping his arms around her. "But you can't tell anyone. They all think I'm someone else." He smirked.

Veronica smiled softly, "what's the plan?" She asked.

"I need to make one of those princesses fall for me..." he said not disclosing anything else and walking out of the room. Leaving Veronica to her thoughts.

End of Chapter 27

Haiya everyone! Today I will be taking votes for James' future lover 😉 I know ALOT of you have been anticipating this one. React or say something on the name you pick, you could explain why you want her etc.

Clio 🌺

Isabel 🌿

Vivían 🌷

Voting will be open for the next couple of chapters and then I will let you all know who wins! I'd like to thank everyone for the support and for continuing to read this fanfic!! 💕💕💕 S.O to EVERYONE!!!

Note: anyone have any theories as to who this new mysterious person is? Anyone who can figure it out gets a shout out and special character appearances in future chapters 😉 (only viable until the next chapter comes out! And if there are too many I will choose the first 5 for character appearances but the rest get shoutouts still!) 🏆 🥇

Have an amazing day!!


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