Part 11

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Haiya everyone!! Terribly sorry I didn't post yesterday 😖 I was out all day and barely got the chance to write anything...I'd also like to warn I'm not sure if I'll be able to write tomorrow either seeing as it's the day before Christmas Eve and I'll be very busy baking most of the day—— I would also like to thank everyone for the support I've been getting on this Fan Fic 💕

Especially these lovely people:


And many more! 🥺✨ it makes me so happy you all enjoy my FanFic!!  💕 Thank you all!

Now enough of that, on with the FanFic!! 😁


It took Sofia a couple of minutes before she was able to regain her composure and calm down. She went off to find one of Elenas servants to ask for a Shirt that would fit Hugo.

In the end she was able to find one but...they were all too busy to bring it up for him—-so they had her do it...

Her face flushed once more, she made her way back to his Room. She hesitantly lifted her hand and knocked on the door. She opened her mouth as to speak but—-she was lost for words. Again the image of a shirtless Hugo invaded her mind yet again.

"Eep—" She accidentally squeaked flustered at the thought.

Hugo heard Sofia squeal shortly after knocking—-he worriedly hurried over to open the door. "Sof—-are you alright?!" He asked swinging open the door basically forgetting he was shirtless.

Some of the Maids giggled, not because he was attractive but because of how awkward the lovely "couple" was.

"Kyaaaa!!" Sofia squeaked again as Hugo appeared before her, still shirtless. She shoved the shirt in his face closing her eyes shut. "H-Heres y-your sh-shirt—-I'll uh—-meat you downstairs!!" She said rapidly.

Hugo was met in the face with the shirt as soon as he opened the door—by the time he got it off Sofia had already run off. "U-Um thanks!!" He yelled after her, hoping she had heard him. He then retreated to his room to change.

Meanwhile Sofia escaped back to the diner, she didn't even try to hide how flustered she was; James had probably told everyone all about it by now.

Breakfast was just being served when she arrived so James didn't pay much attention since——well he was all about food.

Desmond decided not to pry into the subject since poor Sofia seemed to have a lot on her plate as it was—-he should know, he had a lot on his mind too.

Isabell on the other hand was dying to hear about Sofia's obvious romance with Hugo. She had heard the gossip from James and was dying to have some one on one girl talk!

Sofia was grateful no one questioned her yet. She knew sooner or later that someone was gonna ask or tease her about it. And she feared for Hugo, if his brother found out—-oh boy. The teasing would be endless.

Though she wasn't much better off with James knowing...she tried to push the subject to the back of her mind, beginning to eat her breakfast but then...

"Sorry I'm late—-there was er...a bit of a dilema..." Hugo said scratching the back of his head.

The moment She heard Hugo, the image of them almost kissing popped up in her head——she got so flustered she started choking on her food...

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