Part 20 (spicy)

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After a couple more minutes/hours, they finally arrived at the Enchancia Port, it was time for Sofia and James to part with Hugo and Desmond—-for a while anyway. James and King Roland began to make their way off the ship, Sofia following close behind. Before she stepped off the ship however, she felt a hand on her arm and was pulled back into someone's arms.

She wriggled around to see it was Hugo, he was blushing profusely and his lips were quivering nervously. "H-Hugo?" She asked.

Hugo nervously opened his mouth to speak, words failing to escape him. Could you blame him? He was about to ask Sofia for something he wasn't sure she was ready to give. He took a deep breath and exhaled softly, releasing her and gently grabbing her hands, holding them in his.

"Sof...I've been waiting a long time to do this but...may I...may I uh—-" He stammered, his gaze wandering down to her soft looking lips.

Sofia's eyes widened, seemingly understanding what he wanted. From the corner of her eye she watched as her brother hurriedly led their father inside, he too also knowing what was about to happen. She could see how nervous he was, he was basically lost for words, So she took the first action.

Standing on her tippy toes, she raised herself to his level and gently lay her lips onto his, letting out a giggle as he wrapped his arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. She could feel him relaxing all the tension in his body fading away. They had to part as neither could hold back their joyous laughter.

"See you later?" Hugo asked, a tremendous smile on his face.

"Of course." She giggled, planting one more kiss on his cheek before hurrying off to catch up to her family and have a word with them about her scroll.

Hugo watched her run off, laying a hand on his cheek where her lips had last been. He had never felt this happy in his life, he felt like—like he had just found his soulmate. Like he was set for life. Ready to get married and be with the love of his life for ever and ever.

Meanwhile Sofia scurried inside, quickly catching up to her father and brother who were already being greeted by her mother and Amber.

"Sofia! You're alright!!" Her mother exclaimed, hurrying over to her and pulling her into a tight hug. "I was so worried!!" She cried.

"I'm alright mom, Hugo was with me." She reassured.

"Thank goodness for that, I heard you two are doing well." Her mother added.

Sofia blushed, she caught James trying to sneak upstairs from the corner of her eye, she quickly spun around pointing a finger at him. "James you told?!" She yelled at him, glaring at him.

James turned around slowly, looking at her nervously as sweat dropped down his cheek. "Ehehe" he laughed nervously giving in and returning to the others.

"Things went well? What happened?" Amber half asked and demanded.

"Can we talk about that later? I want to talk to mom and dad." Sofia answered, brushing Amber off—her response was pouting at not getting what she wanted, again.

King Roland and Queen Miranda looked a little surprised but they nodded and followed their youngest daughter to her Fathers office. "Is everything alright Sofia? What did you want to talk about?" King Roland asked.

"U-umm w-well..." Sofia fumbled, twiddling with her fingers and picking at her dress nervously, her face flushed. "I uh—I've taken a look at my scroll and I think I'm ready to submit it..." She confessed, pulling it out of a bag and handing it to her father without hesitation.

"So one week was enough" Her mother said teasingly.

Sofia laughed nervously. "Yea..." 'If I had read the scroll sooner I probably wouldn't have needed that long' she thought to herself, though at the time she wasn't sure if her feelings for Hugo were real or just her imagination.

"Well then, I'm glad you have come to a decision." Her father said, his face lighting up when he saw the name she had circled. "We have a pair!" He shouted enthusiastically, holding the scroll up in the air.

"H-Huh?" Sofia stammered but before she could ask anything Amber burst into the room followed by several servants.

"A Pair?! So the person Sofia chose, chose her back?" She asked.

"Precisely!" Her father answered, moving behind his desk and sitting down. He pulled out a pen and started writing something on a blank sheet of paper, neatly folding it and slipping it into an envelope, stamping it with the royal crest. "Get this to King Garrick Immediately! He'll be overjoyed!" He exclaimed, handing it to Baileywick.

"Of course your majesty." He said respectfully, immediately leaving the room to get someone to deliver the letter.

"W-Wait—so—huh?!" Sofia fumbled, feeling confused and flustered. So the first night—-when Hugo immediately knew who he wanted to choose—-it was her?!

"Oh! So You're going to marry Hugo!" Amber exclaimed, also very happy for her sister.

"By the end of today, you two will officially be engaged!" King Roland told her.

Sofia felt butterflies in her stomach, she felt so many emotions—-Nervous, Happy, Excited—-HAPPY. She had trouble stopping herself from squealing and jumping around excitedly. She was going to marry Hugo!! They were betrothed now!!

"Sof! We need to get ready for school! The coach is dropping both of us off because our schools are near each other!" James yelled out, poking his head through the doorway.

"O-Oh R-Right!" She stammered hurrying over to her room to get changed into her new school Uniform. It consisted of a flowy white sundress that went right above her knees, and a blue button up jacket with the schools crest on the right of her chest. Her shoes would change throughout the day depending on which classes she was taking.


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