Part 2 😚

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Sofia spent the rest of that Week doing Exercise and special training she had James help her with. She was surprisingly still in good shape and didn't struggle too much with any of her sports; though the only thing James Couldn't help her with was Ice Dancing, she struggled with her flips, she hadn't done them in so long...

She was taking a jog around the garden when her mother came out of the castle; "Sofia!" She called out to her.

Sofia ran up to her mother she had kept a good pace so there was no need to catch her breath. "Yes mom?" She asked taking a sip of her water.

"Great News! You're officially a student at the Corinthian Sports School!" She exclaimed.

Sofia's eyes sparkled happily "wait already?! It hasn't been a whole week yet!!" She said though the excitement in her voice let her mother know she was excited.

"Yes! You start tomorrow morning!" She said.

"Eeeeek I'm so excited!!" Sofia squealed hugging her mom tightly. "I'm going to go upstairs and—-well prepare!!" She said running inside and heading for her room.

She threw herself onto her bed rolling around excitedly. Then she noticed something at the very top of her closet just barely noticeable. She took a second to calm down and headed over getting on her tippy toes and reaching for the object.

Once she got it down she saw it was a Photo Album! It was filled with pictures from when she attended RFA!! She looked through it looking at all the friends she had made; she hadn't seen most of them in such a long time. Sofia's Gaze landed on two photos that she placed together; one was of her and...Hugo when they won the derby and the second was of her and—-Hugo again when they did Ice Dancing.

That's when it hit her.


She was going to see him at CSS!! Her heart began beating faster at the thought; she used to have a huge crush on him but she couldn't say that anymore, she didn't even know what he looked like anymore, it had been 5 whole years since she last saw him sadly.

She had to admit though, she was quite excited; she couldn't wait to see her old friend! She closed the album and neatly put it into a drawer near by where she'd remember it was.

Sofia walked over to her dresser changing out of her Sweat pants and into a simple light pink ball gown with no sleeves and a Sweetheart neck line. It had a white ribbon tied around her waist covered in butterflies of different colors.

She let her hair down; it was now about half way down her back but it still held onto its wavy features. She then chose out a Silver Tiara with pink gems gently placing it on her head and then doing a little twirl. Despite the fact she was going to a sports School she was still a princess; and so she was going to dress like one.

"Princess Sofia?" Sofía turned to the door as she heard someone knocking.

"Yes?" She asked.

"It's Baileywick, your parents asked that I inform you we'll be receiving some Visitors." He said.

Sofía walked over and opened the door confused, "Visitors? Did they say who? Why didn't they inform me sooner?" She asked. This was so last minute! Did Amber know? Or maybe James? Were they at least prepared or were they just as clueless as her?

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