Part 17

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Sofia took Gregory and Gabriel down with ease, mostly because she caught them by surprise and knocked them out swiftly. She ran over to Hugo and cut him loose with a knife she found near by. As soon as Hugo was free she jumped into his arms.

"Hugo!!" She cried, she had been terrified when that boy began beating him out of Anger.

"Sof...I'm sorry..." he mumbled hugging her back.

"What?" She asked.

"I wasn't bale to protect you...and because of that you're hurt." He said sadly.

Sofia tore a piece of her gown and used it to wipe blood from Hugo's face. "Don't say that, there's no way you could've known that was going to happen, besides you tried to escape." She said softly.

"Yea, and I failed. Some King I'll be...I can't even protect myself or the girl I love..." He mumbled, then realizing what he said clasped his hand over his mouth—-his face heating up.

Sofia's eyes widened she opened her mouth to speak but before she could say anything—-


They both spun around to see the door in the room they were in had been kicked down. As the dust settled, they realized it was James and Gabe!!!!  "LET MY SISTER AND HUGO GO!!!" James demanded.

"James!!" Sofia yelled waving him over.

The two realized that the culprits were on the ground unconscious and called Guards over to arrest them and find their Father. Afterwards they immediately rushed over to the two injured teens.

"How did you know where we were?" Sofia asked as her brother hugged her worriedly.

"A villager reported seeing those two carrying you off into the barn." Gabe explained.

"We rushed over as soon as we got the news—-we didn't get it sooner because the villager was on foot." James explained.

"Come on, we should get you two to a doctor." Gabe added helping Hugo up and leading them to a Carriage they had waiting right outside.

The ride back was rather quiet, Sofia ended up falling asleep—-she was exhausted. Hugo was too, but his mind was currently racing—he had accidentally confessed to Sofia! Maybe she forgot since James barged in...then Hugo could have a do-over? Most of all though, he was still mad at himself for not being able to protect Sofia. He should've never agreed to get a ride from that farmer...if only he had known—This would've never happened.

"You okay dude?" James asked, snapping Hugo out of his trance.

"No...not really." He sighed.

"Don't worry, we're almost back at the castle, the doctor will see you soon!" James attempted to reassure.

"I-It's not that...its..." He bit his lip, scratching his neck nervously.

"What is it? You can tell me, Gabe and Sofia are asleep." James said quietly.

Hugo hesitated but nodded, despite how angry he had been at James earlier, he trusted him more than anyone—-who was in this kingdom, at least. "Aright, the thing is...I like—" He nodded his head toward Sofia not wanting to say it out loud. "But I'm afraid to tell her—-and I cou;dn't protect her...I don't think I'm worthy of her..." He mumbled.

James punched his shoulder hard, "Come on dude, you sound like Desmond right now! Self doubt is his thing—-even though he should have more confidence—-but that's not the point. You're an amazing guy, and I know my sister loves you just as much as you do her. You were caught off guard today, I know you would've protected her otherwise." He said. "Besides, only three other people capable of protecting her aside from you." He added, looking smug.

Hugo tensed, were there other guys looking after Sofia? "Who?" He asked, clutching onto the soft silky cushion of the seats.

James grinned holding up three fingers and putting them down as he listed names. "One, Herself. Two, Our Dad. And three, Me." He said, putting a hand over his chest looking proud of his Knight Skills.

"Heh." Hugo chuckled. "Alright, I'll admit, you had me worried for a sec." He laughed.

The Carriage then came to a halt, they had arrived back at Elena's castle. Sofia groaned and started rubbing her eyes—-trying to open them but feeling dizzy from the blood loss.

"It's okay Sof, you rest. I'll carry you in." James murmured softly, he knew Hugo would want to do it, but he wasn't in the right physical state.

Gabe awoke as well, he helped Hugo down and led them inside. Hugo and Sofia were both put in their individual guest rooms where doctors tended to them as soon as they arrived. Hugo couldn't help but worry about Sofia and found it hard to rest, however he felt more at ease knowing that James was staying by her side.

But of course James, and Sofia had one of the sweetest bonds as brother and sister. They were always there for eachother—-and they had grown so much closer over the years. They hardly argued anymore, not since they were kids. They were practically best friends!

They supported each other all the way—-which was more than you could say for Amber...she was still clearly upset that Sofia was switching schools. It was understandable was what Sofia wanted. Hugo smiled to himself as he thought about how soon, he'd be able to see her every day at school...and if he's lucky enough...maybe everyday, for the rest of his Life.💕

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