Part 25

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So sorry for the delay!! Lack of motivation hit me hard 😭 Also I've taken an interest in making Gacha Club Videos—haha

"It's been a while, hasn't it?"

James and Sofias eyes widened, it was...

"Hildegard?!" Sofia and James exclaimed at the same time. (Wasn't going to go with her but it was a great idea lol)

"The one and only~" She chirped, holding her fan in front of her face. She was much taller—and curvier as well. She had clearly calmed down with all the flashiness though, her hair wasn't over styled like it used to be, instead she left it all the way down, its wavy features complementing her. She didn't wear flowers or pearls in her hair like before either, instead she wore just a simple tiara. She still looked as poised as ever though.

"How long has it been? You stopped hosting all those balls a while back." James noted, it was true though. Hildegarde didn't host as many balls as she did back in Elementary anymore—after RFA she became more humble and kind towards others but of course she still liked to brag now and then.

"Ah Yes—I've been busy." She said cupping her cheek in one hand while still holding her fan in the other.

"It's great to see you again! I'm sure Amber will be happy to see you again—she should be home soon!" Sofia commented.

Hildegard nodded, "That'd be great but really, I'm on a tight schedule at the moment." She said sadly—her mood brightening up soon after. "Anyway!! The reason I'm here is to invite you all to an upcoming ball I'm hosting!!" She chirped.

"Is there a special occasion?" James asked.

"To celebrate the new soon to be wedded couples and help those who are yet to find a lover do so there of course!!" Hildegard said excitedly.

Sofia blushed when Hildegard mentioned the "Soon to be wedded" part. That's right, soon after graduation...I'll be married to Hugo. She thought, a huge smile spreading on her face. "That sounds like a lot of fun! I'll let Hugo and the other princes I became friends with today know!" She chirped.

Hildegard raised a brow, "Hugo—?" Then the look on Sofias face told her everything, her eyes widened and her mouth made an O shape. "Oooh! Well— would you mind telling me the names so I can cross them off my list?" She asked.

Sofia nodded, "Hugo, Wynter and Ryan." She noted.

"No princess friends?" Hildegard questioned.

Sofia shook her head— "N-No they aren't too fond of me at the moment..." she mumbled.

Hildegard clicked her tongue and shook her head sighing, "my goodness, its always like that with the newbies isn't it..." She said disapprovingly. "Oh well, I'm sure you'll win them over soon—i mean you're you after all." Hildegard said playfully batting her on the head with her fan.

Sofia giggled, "Thanks Hildy, We'll let amber know you stopped by."

"That'd be great, anyway I really must go now. There are still a lot of kingdoms I have to visit." She said waving her hand as she walked away.

James raised a brow, "Wouldn't it be better if you just sent an invitation?"

"Don't tell anyone but this is also a way for me to find out the tea on who likes who." She giggled winking at Sofia.

"Oh yeah? What about me?" James challenged.

Hildegard laughed "Darling, clearly you and Clio are meant for each other—How have you not decided yet?"

James expected to blush and be all flustered—but it had less effect than he had expected...he shook his head. "I'm just not sure yet." He mumbled as Hildegard shrugged and flew off in the coach.

"You alright James?" Sofia asked.

James just shrugged, "I dunno Sof, I'm probably going to see Clio and Vivian at the ball but...I'm not sure how I'm going to pick." He sighed.

"Don't rush yourself, you still have time." She said comfortingly, placing her hand on his shoulder to show her support.

"Thanks Sof." James said smiling. "Now lets get that gorgeous horse of yours inside the stables." he laughed.

~ Time skip:

2 days later

Status: everything's stayed the same except Wynter and Hugo's growing Jealousy."

Extra: Tonight is the ball!


"Rise and shine princess! You've got a huge day ahead of you!" Baileywick announced as he swung open the door and quickly began opening the curtains letting the bright rays of the sun embrace Sofia's room.

Sofia sat up in bed as servants began rushing in—taking last minute measurements and whatnot and then leaving her to have breakfast in bed. She finished her breakfast in about 10 minutes and then got dressed in a simple gown exiting her room. She greeted her parents who were in the throne room and soon after ran into James who was playing with Rex and his son—Ace.

"Good morning you three." She giggled as Rex and Ace ran up and jumped on her each licking her face as a greeting before getting distracted by a ball James threw.

James chuckled as they watched the two dogs run off, " ready for tonight's ball?" He asked his sister.

"Are you?" She asked raising a brow.

He nodded "Definitely" he chuckled.

"Oh right!! I forgot to mention but mom and dad invited Isa to the ball" she said looking at her brother sympathetically.

"O-Oh—"he mumbled a soft blush spreading across his face. He was going to see all three of his potential brides to be and probably some others who had been on his list but he chose to ignore.

Sofia giggled, "she'lol be here soon to try on our new dresses." She explained. "I suggest no peeking—you need to be awed!" she teased.

James huffed letting out a nervous laugh "Okay Okay no peeking, got it."

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