Part 10

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Everyone played with Azul for a little while before it was time to leave. Azul didn't seem to wanna leave Sofia and so Elena had a grand idea.

"Why don't you all come to Avalor?" She said. "I'm sure you'll be fine missing a few days of school, you'll love it!"

"Yea!!" James jumped up immediately.

"I'm sorry but I'll have to decline, I have an important concert at school I just can't miss." Clio said bowing before exiting with her parents.

"Ill have to decline as well, as future Queen I just can't miss school." Amber said politely.

"What about you three?" Isabell asked Hugo, Sofia, and Desmond.

"If it's alright with my Father, I'd like to go." Hugo said.

"I'd love to go too! I want to try fencing it looks fun!" Sofia chirped.

"I...I dunno..." Dez mumbled nervously.

"Come on Dez, you'll love it! Isa has a ton of cool Inventions and they even have a wizard who knows a ton about potions and spells, you'll have tons of fun!" James pointed out.

"Oh..alright!" Dez agreed.

"Yes!!" Isa exclaimed excitedly.

"Big bro?" Desmond's little sister squeaked from behind her parents.

"Hey Faline, don't worry. I'll be back soon okay?" Dez said softly.

"Promise?" She mumbled.

"Promise." He said ruffling his little sisters hair.

"Oki." She said hugging him goodbye before following her parents out.

"Alright then it's settled! I'll have someone get you all some clothes ready for when we arrive!" Elena said enthusiastically.

"Awesome this is gonna be so much fun!!" Lucas said excitedly.

"Fun! Fun! Fun!" Azul chirped flying up and onto Hugo's shoulder.

"He likes you!" Sofia giggled.

Hugo scratched Azul under his chin smiling as the Baby Jaquin purred happily.

"Alright then let's get going!" Gabe said, picking up Lucas and leading everyone to the port where their Boat was docked.

James let Hugo and Desmond borrow some of his clothes and Sofia just packed some of her own for the trip.

They all enjoyed the soft breeze as the boat progressed. They saw a lot of Marine animals and did all sorts of activities on the boat. They played hide and seek to entertain Azul and Lucas.

It was about a day before they arrived in Avalor. It was Dark when they arrived so they all went up to the castle where they were greeted by Elenas Grandparents.

Everyone was given a Guest room and since Azuls parents wouldn't be coming until the following day, he decided to stay with Sofia for the night.

They all went to bed excited to go exploring Avalor tomorrow morning.

The next morning

Everyone gathered in the dining hall for breakfast—-well everyone except one person.

"Has anyone seen Hugo?" Sofia asked worriedly.

Everyone shook their heads.

"I'll go check on him, Armando would you mind showing me where his room is?" Sofia asked.

"Of course princess! Right this way!" He chirped excitedly.

Armando led Sofia to Hugo's room, Azul had stayed with the others awaiting his fathers arrival. He left Sofia by herself returning to his duties.

"Hugo?" Sofia asked, knocking on the door.

There was no answer.

Worried, Sofia opened the door "Hugo are you okay?" She repeated as she entered the room.

As Hugo heard the door slowly open he spun around in a panic "wait don't—-" he started but it was too late...Sofia had already entered the room.

Sofia's face turned a Scarlet red as her eyes landed on Hugo——he was shirtless!! She covered her eyes quickly. "S-Sorry!! I just came to see if you were alright—" She stuttered embarrassed.

The image of Hugo shirtless was basically stitched into her mind now——he was—just wow. Her face heated up even more at the thought. He was Muscular—-and just wow—-

Hugo blushed. "I-It's fine, I don't mind—-It's just um—-well uh, James' shirt he lent me doesn't really fit..." he said embarrassed.

"O-Oh um I-I can ask Elena if th-they have a-anything you can b-borrow!" She stuttered

Sofía turned around to leave when suddenly Hugo grabbed her by the arm dropping her.

"H-Huh?" She turned around to look at him her face still red.

Hugo's eyes widened as he realized he had moved without thinking. They stood there for a few seconds just staring into each other's eyes...then they slowly started inching closer...and closer.

Their lips about to meet they both simultaneously closed their eyes...

Suddenly the door swung open! The two separated immediately taking a few steps away from each other their faces hearing up even more than before.

"Sofía are you in here?"

The person who came in was James.

"Woah there—-What's going on?" He asked narrowing his eyes at the flustered and shirtless Hugo.

"U-Um I uh—-" Hugo started panicking his mind drawing a blank.

"Th-The shirt you let him borrow d-doesnt fit him so I was about to a-ask Elena i-if th-they had anything he could b-borrow!" Sofía jumped in.

James looked at them suspiciously then he just smirked knowing they were flustered because Sofia saw Hugo shirtless, though he didn't know the full extent of what happened.

"Oh alright." He said "we'll wait for you two downstairs then." He then walked out and went back to the dining room—-he was definitely gonna say something.

"So un—-Imma just go f-find E-Elena r-real q-quick" Sofía said backing away towards the door.

"Y-Yeah O-okay!" Hugo said

Sofía then turned around and rushed out the door closing it behind her. The moment she turned the corner she just leaned against the wall and slid down against it to the ground, she covered her face with her hands flustered as hell.

'Omg omg omg——did I just—-we almost—-' all she could think about was how they almost kissed and how she saw him shirtless.

Meanwhile Hugo threw himself on the bed shoving his face into the pillow. He had been so close—-he almost kissed her!! And they almost got caught too—-there was probably nothing wrong with getting caught- I mean they were probably going to marry in a few years yknow? She liked him, he liked her. And it seemed everyone else knew about it—-

Sofia x Hugo Where stories live. Discover now