Part 9

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~Downstairs in the dining Room~

The moment Hugo walked into the dining room, everyone could tell something was up. Though he was trying to keep a cool facade, and they couldn't quite place their fingers on it, Hugo Definitely had something on his mind.

"Where's Sofia?" James asked with a mischievous look.

Hugo bit his lip, looking behind him. "She's still changing." He answered, sitting down and not meeting anyone's eyes.

"You're hiding something..." Isabell said inquisitively

"W-What?" Hugo stuttered nervously, he could feel sweat droplets beginning to slowly form and roll down his face and hands.

"It would seem Hugo is keeping something from us..." Amber said fluttering her Fan in front of her face.

"What? No I'm not.." Hugo argued.

Amber narrowed her eyes at Hugo but before she could accuse him any longer Sofia entered the dining room, looking dashing despite her simple dress.

"Sorry for the wait." Sofia said a bright smile on her face as she sat beside Hugo.

"No worries Sofia, we were just talking about Y-" James started only to be interrupted by Hugo

"Yuu!! My friend Yuu—-Haha h-he has a huge crush on er—" he looked around rapidly his eyes landing on Clio. "He has a huge crush on Clio!! I—-I'm attempting to yknow—-set them up since he-uh likes her so much." He said nervously.

"Who has a what now—?" Clio said dumbfounded.

"Set her up with who?!" Amber stood up slamming her hands on the table. "Hugo I do hope your not trying to take Clio away from my Brother!!" Amber said accusingly.

James' face immediately heated up "hold on what—-?!" James stood up as well, facing Amber "Amber—-you can't just go around saying that stuff—-As far as I'm concerned I'm still Very much single!!"

James' face immediately heated up "hold on what—-?!" James stood up as well, facing Amber "Amber—-you can't just go around saying that stuff—-As far as I'm concerned I'm still Very much single!!"

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((His face rn 😂 pretend he's blondeee)

Isa who was at the edge of the table turned her head away to face the wall, for some reason her heart hurt at the thought of James with Clio...

Meanwhile Clio had her face in her hands trying to hide how much she was blushing. >\\\<

Amber crossed her arms and turned to her twin brother, "well personally I believe you and Clio would make a dashing couple, don't you?" She argued.

While the two argued about James' love life, Hugo mentally cried to himself, 'what have I caused...' he hid his face embarrassed he had sunk so low.

Everyone stopped what they were doing when they heard laughter? They all turned to see Desmond and Sofia on the ground attempting to contain their laughter, they were watching as the others argued and couldn't help but Laugh!

Everyone else burst out laughing as well, how stupid of them to argue over such a small thing—-well small for most of them atleast. James underestimated the power of the decision he'd soon have to make...

They all quieted down as the rest of the royals filed into the dining room; settling down for breakfast. Everyone had a fun time chatting—-but it was cut short by a surprise arrival!

Almost as soon as everyone finished eating, there was a knock on the dining room door. It was strange since the Servants normally didn't knock to alarmed all of the Royals——most of the Men getting up and standing in front of a girl. (Ex: Hugo stands in front of Sofia, Dez in front of Amber, Gabe in front of Elena and their child etc)

"Who is it?" King Rolland Demanded.

The door slowly began to creep open...everyone tensed up...who could it be?! Suddenly the door stopped moving, King Rolland and King Garrick went over to check; swinging open the door to reveal no one was there...

The Royals ordered more guards at the dining room doors wary of the possible threat. They all returned to their seats not wanting to risk a possible ambush.

Everyone began to chat again—-however Sofia could swear she saw movement under the table for a split second...she got up pushing her chair back and kneeling on the ground.

Everyone quieted down looking at her confused.

"Sof?" Hugo asked confused.

"Sofia what are you doing?" Amber demanded.

"Is everything okay Sofia?" James joined in.

Sofia ignored their questions for a moment, looking around, under the dining room table. That's when she saw it...her eyes widened as she realized what had them all was....

A Baby Jaquin!!

Sofia burst out laughing, confusing everyone even more.

"Come here, I won't hurt you." She said gently, holding out her hand to the little one. The baby had teal fur with dark blue markings and teal eyes. (Looks kinda like Migs baby Zoom but a darker blue and teal eyes)

"Who are you talking to?" Queen Miranda asked.

Sofia crawled out of the table, the baby Jaquin in her arms. "I found a little stow away..." Sofia said giggling.

"What is that?" Clio asked.

"A baby Jaquin!!" Elena exclaimed.

"So that's what had us all worried huh!" King Rolland laughed.

"Hey wait a second...isn't that Skylars baby?!" Isa exclaimed.

"This is skylars baby?!" Sofia asked shocked. She held him close to her as he purred and nuzzled her.

"Cozy!" The baby Jaquin cooed.

"He's so cute!!" Clio said coming over and scratching him behind the ears.

"You're right Isa, it's Azul!" Elena said shocked as she came over for a closer look.

"His parents must be so worried!!" Sofia said sadly.

"How'd he get here?" Hugo asked.

"I'm not sure...I didn't see when he stowed away..."Elena sighed.

Elenas Son, Lucas had a guilty expression on his face as he attempted to tip toe out of the dining hall.

"Lucas!!" The baby Jaquin chirped the moment it spotted him, pawing at the air for him to come over however too lazy to move from his cozy spot with Sofia.

"Lucas." Elena said in that tone (yknow that tone 👀) crossing her arms and looking at him expectantly.

Lucas turned around slowly with an awkward smile. "Yes mamá?" He asked.

"Did you bring Azul here?" She asked with a raised eye brow.

"Umm..." Lucas looked around nervously "no?"

"Lucas..." Gabe said also in that tone.

"Okay...I did.." he said with a heavy sigh. (Btw he's 5)

"Lucas! Do you know how worried Skylar and Crystal must be?!" (Crystal in a Mexican accent 👀) Elena scolded.

"I'm sorry...he just looked so lonely...his brother and sister left him out of the game..." Lucas explained.

Elena let out a heavy sigh. "Oh lucas..." she went over and picked him up with a soft smile on her face. "Just promise you won't do it again, you're going to have to apologize to skylar too."

"Yes mamá." Lucas said obediently.

Meanwhile everyone else was busy playing with the baby Jaquin, it was rare to see Jaquins in Enchancia—-heck half the royals there had never seen one before!

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