Part 34

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Yo! It's been a long couple of  months since this story was updated! Sorry about that, Motivation left the chat entirely. I sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the story, but the wait is over! From now on I'll try to update more often and do my best NOT to lose motivation again, with a fresh mind and fresh ideas—I'm ready to bring back this wonderful story I'm so proud of writing. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around this far in, and to those new readers who have also made their way here, I love and appreciate all of you! <3

Before Sofia could go to the stables, King Garrick decided he wanted to look over the scrolls Sofia and Axel had already documented. He looked quite impressed with their work, especially Sofia's swift and accurate work on them not missing a single detail whatsoever.

" My, My. I was already impressed with how quickly the work was done..but the thought and accuracy put into this is even more impressive! " King Garrick nodded, stroking his beard.

"Thank you." Sofia smiled, " we had many lessons on how to best do them back at my old school, I guess I just picked up a knack for it." She giggled.

"Now if only that school was around back when pops was our age." Axel cackled " before I started doing the kingdoms paperwork father was missing details and messing up budgets."

"Aw C'mon Axe, He wasn't that bad—he had the kingdom running pretty smoothly." Hugo said sympathetically.

"Yeah, when he was there to oversee the work in person where he could visually and verbally give his commands." Axel said through chewing his food, while swinging his fork in the air.

" I personally think being involved with your people is a good quality for a ruler." Sofia chimed in to the little squabble. " By showing your people you want what's best for them and working beside them you earn their respect and their pride."

" Those are very wise words Sofia." King Garrick chuckled giving her a grateful look.

" I agree, completely. All I'm saying is, he shouldn't rely on just his social skills to rule his kingdom." Axel responded, while shoving some more food in his mouth. 

" Alright, Alright, point is Dad has his way of running things and he's done pretty well so far. You've done a great Job helping him lately Axe good Job." Hugo retorted, ending the argument. 

Axel let out a huff but he took the compliment and left it at that, knowing he wouldn't win this argument--hard though he may try..

" Anyway! " Sofia yelped, eager to move on to the next subject. "I've been thinking.. about the incident yesterday y'know? I was thinking maybe we could make a trap to find whatever is out there." she started. 

"How do you suppose we do that?" Axel asked. 

"Well, I came up with this plan; whatever it is, it's after me. So if we use me as bait we can---" 

"Nope! Nope! Not happening!" Hugo stood up, cutting her off. 

" But--" she tried to speak. 

" No buts Sof! We are not putting you in danger." He said stubbornly. "You are the future queen of Welshire, you have to start taking care of yourself more." 

"Hugo, that thing isn't just a danger to me, as long as it's around it's also a danger to our people! Most importantly, it's a danger to all of you!." Sofia reasoned. 

" But there has to be another way!" Hugo's eyes softened as he looked at Sofia. " I...I can't see you get hurt. I would never forgive myself." He whimpered. 

Sofia smiled softly and stood up to stand by him, she took his hands in hers and squeezed them softly. "I promise, I'll be okay. You know I've faced many dangers before. Besides you'll be nearby in case anything happens. I'm not a--" 

"You're not a Damsel in distress, I know." Hugo chuckled softly, planting a soft kiss on her forehead. "Alright, but the moment I sense danger, I'm getting you out of there, okay?" 

Sofia nodded, opening her mouth to speak before she was interrupted again. 

"Alright Love birds! Mind telling US the plan now?" Axel asked with a grin on his face; he was SO gonna tease them later. 

Sofia then explained how she wanted to clear the Gardens of any guards--so that the creature would think she was alone. She'd go out for a ride with Blitz while the guards hid along with Hugo, Axel and King Garrick. She'd make herself as vulnerable as possible, urging the creature to take its chance to come after her. Then once she distracted it, guards on flying horses would appear and throw lassos on it to immobilize it while the rest came out of hiding and pinned it down. 

" It seems like a solid plan..but what if it spots us before we can get the jump on it? " Axel asked.

" Then we retreat and wait for another opening." Sofia said thoughtfully. " At least that way we'll have identified what IT is and can maybe come up with a different plan." 

"Sounds like a Plan, let's do it." King Garrick nodded calling over the butler. 


" Mobilize our Elite Squadron and the riders; have them prepare for battle and hide them along the back gardens." He ordered. 

The Butler immediately set off a couple of guards hot on his heels hoping to get in on the action.  

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