Part 21

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James waited for Sofia at the carriage, he held his scroll in his hand—his lips quivering as he read the names to himself—-choosing a Fiancé was going to be hard—considering the fact he liked not one, not two, but THREE of the girls out of several who he was given to choose from. He thought they'd all make amazing partners, but he didn't want to hurt any of them by choosing one.

"Damnit Dad—Why only one week?!" He grumbled, stuffing his scroll in his school bag. He only had 3 days left to decide—that was hardly fair. So far Sofia, Hugo and Amber had made their decisions—and he was pretty sure Desmond had an Idea of who he wanted already, he was just too nervous to say it. James had no idea what Isa was thinking about the scroll, nor the other two girls he liked.

"I'm Ready!" He heard his sister call as she scurried out of the castle and towards the carriage. They were leaving a little earlier than Amber's Carriage since both Sofia and James were being dropped off at different schools. He held out his hand for his sister to take, helping her climb on to the carriage and then following close behind.

As the carriage took to the air, the two siblings began chatting—a blonde princess watching sadly as she watched how close they seemed. She was starting to feel a little bit of guilt for her selfishness.

"So you and Hugo huh?" James inquired, a mischievous smirk on his face.

"Mhm. Later today we'll be officially engaged!" Sofia giggled, her cheeks a rosy pink and her smile so big you could tell she was REALLY happy.

James was a little surprised, usually mentioning stuff like that would get her all flustered and nervous, but it seemed she had come to terms with her feelings about Hugo and his towards her. He was glad they were finally together.

Sofia giggled and then stopped, looking at the distraught look on her brothers face. "Still can't choose?" Sofia asked softly, her voice comforting to her brother.

James shook his head, "I can't choose Sof—-I don't know who." He admitted, taking out his scroll and handing it to her.

Sofia unrolled the scroll, she scanned the paper immediately noticing three names that each had a star next to them—signaling they were his favorites."So. Isa, Clio, and Viv huh?" She said sympathetically.

"Who do you think I should choose?" James asked, hoping to get some idea from his sister.

Sofia shook her head, "I can't decide that for you James. You should choose the girl you think you're compatible with the most, the one who will make you happy and that you know you can make happy as well." She explained. "I'm sure Dad will give you more time if you need it, we still have to graduate before getting married. Giving us only one week was a little silly." She sympathized.

James smiled softly at his sister, he felt a little better after talking to her about it, "Thanks Sof, I'm lucky to have a little sister like you." He said gently.

Sofia giggled, "And I'm lucky that you're my big brother James!" They continued to talk on their way to school, finally the carriage came to a stop landing below at Sofia's new school.

James got off to help his sister down, they could feel eyes boring into them as Sofia arrived. Maybe it was because Sofia was new, or maybe because James who was from the Knights Academy was there and wearing a completely different Uniform. He shrugged it off glaring daggers at the guys who kept staring at his sister—meanwhile he could hear Girls murmuring and whispering about him, a lot of giggles too.

"You seem to be popular with the ladies." Sofia giggled, holding a fist up to her face as she laughed.

"Yea well the boys seem to find you cute so your boyfriend better hurry up and come get you." James scoffed, big brother mode suddenly taking to the sky like a Gryphon protecting its treasure. He was already used to being popular with girls—it wasn't really anything new but he didn't like the way the guys looked at his sister.

"Maybe he's not here yet." Sofia reasoned, grabbing her backpack from James and looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to go back in the carriage and go to school.

James just stood there with an eyebrow raised, 'You really expect me to leave you here?' written all over his face.

Sofia sighed, "James, You're going to be late for class!" She scolded.

"I can't leave you alone with all those guys making googly eyes at y0u." James growled stubbornly.

"For gods sake James, they're princes! They won't do anything! Besides, It's almost time for class and I need to find my classes!" She sighed exasperatedly.

James pouted, shrill refusing to move. "A Knight protects, so I'm going to stay and watch over you until you find Hugo." He decided.

"Jamesss" Sofia groaned.

"Hey! You must be the new transfer student! Is this dude bothering you?" A prince with Snow White hair asked, as he walked over. He glared daggers at James his Icy blue eyes issuing a challenge. Though, his motives were uncertain.

Sofia held up her hands quickly, not wanting her brother to get into a fight on her first day of school. "A-Actually this is my brother!" She quickly explained. "He's just worried since it's my first day."

The boys eyes softened and he seemed to relax. "O-Oh sorry about that, you were arguing and since you're wearing different uniforms I assumed he was bothering you." He said, scratching the back of his neck and blushing embarrassedly.

Sofia giggled, "It's alright! My name is Sofia." She introduced herself, holding out her hand.

"My name is Wynter, it's a pleasure to meet you Sofia." The white haired boy said as he took her hand and shaking it gently. "And you would be?" He asked, turning to James.

"This is James, he's from the Knights Academy." She explained.

"Ah I see."  Wynter said, nodding curtly.

All three of them turned towards the building as the bell rang, signaling it was time for everyone to get to class.

"See James! You're going to be late! Now Go!" She scolded pushing him forcefully back into the carriage.

"What—-But!!" He started.

"It's fine—-see? I already made a new friend, so no need to worry. Now go!" She ordered.

James let out a heavy sigh, finally complying and having the chauffeur fly him to school at top speed.

Sofia turned around to see Wynter trying to hide his amused smile. She too couldn't help but laugh.

"So what classes do you have?" Wynter asked her.

Sofia took a folded piece of paper from her pocket opening it up and reading it out loud. "I have the regular Core classes, but I have Flying Derby First and Ice Dancing 5th." She explained.

Wynter took a look at her schedule, "Awesome we have first and sixth together!" He said enthusiastically. "C'mon, I'll show you the way there!"

"Okay!" They both ran off to get to class on time, the Uniform providing easy movement for getting around. Sofia noticed the boys Uniform Consisted of Navy Blue shorts, a white Jersey and a Navy blue Jacket like the girls except it was longer, whereas the girls was more like a cropped jacket reaching only a few inches under their chest.


Sorry for the slightly late update!!! Thank You all so much for the continuous support 💕

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