SIXTEEN. party in t.n.s

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One more week. Only one more week until A-Troupe would be heading to Miami for Internationals. And to say East was excited was an understatement. She was over the moon about Internationals and she wasn't the only one. So to express their excitement and to welcome back one of their dancers, A-Troupe was holding a party in Studio A as today was the day Amanda was coming back from Sweden.

The North siblings were tasked with taking all the costumes that were clustering Studio A, while the rest of their teammates set up for Amanda's 'Welcome Back' party inside. East thought the job would be easy. However, she underestimated the number of costumes she and West had to carry and how heavy they'd be. As they were walking through the hallway with the piles of clothing, East slowed her tracks, hearing familiar voices. She furrowed her brows and quickly caught up to West.

"West, you hear that?" East asked.

"My breathing? Yeah," West responded and he meant it as he was panting. "Who knew these costumes would be heavy."

"No, I meant, I heard voices."

"You're probably hearing things. There's no one else here but us," West assured. Knowing her brother would just disagree with her, East let out a sigh and continued walking with him. However, the sibling duo halted their steps upon seeing two people by the entrance leading to Studio A. Stephanie and Amanda who were awkwardly hugging. "Amanda!" West exclaimed her name out of shock. Stephanie let go of Amanda and turned her to face the North siblings before pushing her toward them. Stephanie quickly hurried off, leaving East and West to distract Amanda. "How was Switzerland?"

"Yeah, did you make any friends? Taste any new food?" East carried on, asking Amanda a bunch of questions. "Oh, did you ever get lost or almost get mugged or something?" Amanda sent her a weird look at the last one and East shrugged. "What? I've heard that it happens a lot when you go to foreign European countries."

"Well, first of all, it wasn't Switzerland. It was Sweden," Amanda corrected them, causing East and West's faces to fall in realization.

"Are you sure?" West asked. "I could've sworn it was Switzerland."

"It was Sweden."

Amanda turned around, beginning to make her way to Studio A's entrance, but East and West quickly caught up to her. Giving each other nods, the North siblings threw their pile of costumes on Amanda for her to carry, taking her by surprise and making her more annoyed.

"Can you hold that for us?"

"It's just... you're so much stronger than us," East gave a poor reasoning as she and West nodded their heads. The pair of siblings began backing up.

𝐒𝐇𝐔𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐃𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄 (𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞.)Where stories live. Discover now