Haunting Past

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Everything is so dark...I can't see anything. I feel like I am drowning. Where am I?

As I looked around me I saw a door. It looks like normal door but leads to nowhere. Just a door, no path, no walls. I could walk around the door and look behind it. There was nothing just darkness and a door that has a faint glow to it.

I wonder what's behind this door?

I slowly approached the door and opened it. I could see a room that is all to familiar to me!

How is this possible?

I walked right through the door escaping the void. Everything is better than the darkness behind me. It feels like it wants to consume me. The moment I closed the door it disappears and then realization hits me. This was my room when I was around 4 years old.

*flash back*

"Mom, mom, mom let's go!"

"Slow down honey, give me just a second to get my things and we will go. Ok?"

"Ok, mommy! What quirk do you think I will get?"

"I don't know, maybe a mix of mommy's and daddy's quirk... How would you like that?"

"That would be awesome! It would be super cool and I will be a hero!"

"You already are my little hero, now come on let's go!"

I am super excited to get my quirk. The possibilities are endless! Mommy's quirk is cool but not soo powerful and daddy's is amazing. I want something like that!

I was completely lost in thought till we arrived in the waiting room.

"Midoriya please follow me." said one of the staff members.

We followed her to a room where she told us to take a sit and wait for the doctor to come. It wasn't long after that, that he finally arrived. He began running some test on me to see what my quirk might be till he saw that I wasn't born with one joint in my pinky toe instead I had two.

"I am sorry to say this but your son is quirkless!"

There was a minute of silence.

"That can't be true, you see I have a weak telekinesis quirk and my husband has a pyrokinesis quirk. There surely must be an error."

"Mam, there is no doubt that he is qurickless if you look at his pinky toes you can see that he has more than one joint. People, which are born with a quirk, have only one. He has two of them. It is a really rare occasion that people are born this way."

I was shocked to hear that .... I am quirkless!

I can still be a hero right? I only need to work harder right? Yes that's what I will do!

This whole time I didn't look up, I was staring at my feet. The moment I decided to look at my mother was something I couldn't forget! She was always looking at me lovingly but at this moment, everything changed. I could see how sad she was, but I don't understand why.

---Time skip provided by a sad reality--

I was lying on my bed as I could hear my mother and father arguing again. Ever since that day I was appointed quirkless my mother stopped caring about my father and he started drinking. I could hear that it was serious this time. I couldn't understand any word but judging by their voices I would say something bad is going on and I am scared! Every time I looked my mother in her eyes, I could see the hatred and disappointment in them.

If mom gets mad, she will hit me again! I don't won't to get beaten up again.

My whole body was covered in bruises. Each time my mother would start hitting me sometimes using a bat or a whip. She also attached a collar on me so that I can't run away. I tried to run once but I really rerated that choice soon after that. Once she starts hitting me, she won't stop until she's satisfied.

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