War Day 4: The Art of Brainwashing

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As I walked back to my villain I began planning on how to successfully get Shoto away from the others. Multiple plans popped up in my mind but none of them had a high success rate. So I was left with only one choice: Get him to use his fire side while telling him about his dear missing big brother.

Nothing can go wrong with this! I am just going to be straight forward and anger him a little bit while teasing him and the somehow get the burned chicken nugget here. Oh and while I am at it I might as well test a theory about a special someone's quirk!

Luckily, for me my villain costume makes me immune to his quirk!

This lead me to the question how the fuck will I do this? He will never agree on helping me figure his quirk out more than I already know. Well If he doesn't there is always another way and it is called brute force... I rather not do that... but I will not have any other choice if it comes to it... Please don't make this more complicated!

If God exists and is listening, please don't make this harder on me as it already is!

I arrived at my lair and looked at the clock it was 11 a.m..

Holy shit! I was out for more than 12 hours! I am glad I am still alive! Seriously I need to take better care of myself but it wasn't even my fault to begin with! Well, no, that's actually a lie! I did the concussion on myself. Shit!

I grabbed two daggers, some knifes a sleepy grenades and of course a blood grenade, next are my two guns one with blood bullets and the other with paralyze bullets. There was one thing I didn't had it was essential for me to have it.

Me: Nezu can you hear me?

Nezu: Do what do I owe the pleasure this time?

Me: Can you provide me with a voice modifier?

Nezu: Consider it done and on the way to your lair.

Me: Thanks.

Well the rules never said anything against asking for things. It was kinda a gray area. I knew I only was allowed to bring one thing with me unless I hid it and I was allowed to bring the thing I prepared for this event with me.

Me: Oh and I want to say that I would have built one myself from all the civilian robots but there are no tools or other utilities I would need to do it.

Power Loader: Hahah. That I find hard to believe Midoriya.

Next thing I did was describing him how I could use the mic from the robots and the specific part of the circuit board that is responsible for the voice signal to firstly do it and than described how I would need to program it in details. At the end I was finished with my explanation I couldn't hear anything from the teacher anymore.

Cat got your tongue?! Didn't expect that, huh!

After 5 minutes, I could hear faint footsteps echoing through the tunnels, I knew exactly who it was.

Eraserhead, my dear homeroom caterpillar!

He was good in stealth but I knew how hard it was in this tunnels to not be heard. I could also tell he was purposely making some noises in order for me to not be cut off guard. It took him another 2 minutes to get to me.

Aizawa: Here you go problem child.

He looked like he wanted to say something to me. I bet him to it and declared that I needed a hug. Aizawa-sensei was happy to do that giving him the opportunity to speak to me safely because the teachers drone was firstly facing me and not him, capturing my face and his back. On top of it, I really did nead a hug.

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