War Day 2: Beware Intense Yeet!

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After I went back to the villain lair.

I might or might not have snapped.

I also might or might not attacked All Might and the others. Let's say I am pretty confident in myself that if I ever needed to take them down I could do that with ease.

Does this means I will be going easy on them after my talk with Nezu and the others? NOP...

Did I play the little innocent and hurt child card on them... Maybe? Ok the panic attack was real but in my defense, I hate being tied up!

Will I still be going according to my plans? Most definitely!

So here I am back again in the game better than ever since my wounds are healed. I have 2 hours to prepare the body's for my next stunt. Let's go to work!

I went back to the three people's body, who had the gut to chase me through underground tunnels, and dragged them to headquarter entrance area. The same thing happened to the other three people, which were near the exit of the tunnel to the headquarter. The vines were also an important part of my plan.

Now, that we are all gathered together, no matter if dead or alive... You guys will be helping me with or without a free will. You just don't know that yet!

Luckily, for me this building has an elevator and it is big enough to put all the dead players in it to transport them to the top floor.

Oh I really hope, that Nezu hasn't guest what I am about to do. I technically never said that I would in fact go easy on them and I never promised such thing. Also I have this feeling that they will try and stop me but hey why not just let it happen? It's not like they did something special for me all before. SO why should I listen to them. Ok, Nezu is scary but with a little bit of luck and augmenting I am pretty confident that he would help me if it is in favor of the rules.

Oh look here we are top floor heroes dorm quarter.

I brought everyone out of the elevator into a giant room, that connects all bed rooms and the elevator together. This room had only four large windows. The wall with the windows wasn't fully covered in windows and these are able to be opened completely from the inside. Here is what I did. I knew that the teachers drone was still following me so I turned to it and began talking to it referring to the teachers.

Me: I am pretty sure, I told you that I would need the body's, right? ... Did you ever ask yourself the question: How to yeet a person out of the window with style? ... No? Was I the only one who wanted to know that? Doesn't mind now, does it, as we will shortly find out.

I tied four of them with the vines and opened the window. Still having my little bottle with blood with me and not wanting to have brought it with me without using it. That would be a shame! Since everyone loves All Mights smile I drew a bloody Cheshire smile on them.

The first person was sat on the window facing me and with a small nudge he began falling backwards.

The second person was sitting on the window like he would jump out of it only that he couldn't since he was "dead" and I nudged him from behind.

The third one was in my arm and I was sprinting toward the window throwing him outside. After some seconds, you could hear a BAM. The person will have a massive headache!

Vlad King: Midoriya stop this right now!

I wasn't bothering listen to him. Sooner or later, someone was bound to interrupt me and this someone was their homeroom teacher.

I really thought that Aizawa, Nezu or even All Might would say something but not Vlad King. Yes this is his class and yes they can't move right now but still why? Let me have my fun with them and I still have 7 other ways to go through!

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