War Day 6: Mumbling spree and a therapy season

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I woke up in a sleeping bag and remembered what happened.

Why did I let loose of my sanity? Who's idea was that in the first place? Oh right mine! I wanted to let myself lose for a little bit by shutting down a part of my rationality. Great idea, I thought! Nothing could get wrong, I thought! Oh boy how wrong I was.

First I cut myself without noticing. Then I took it to a whole new level and start hurting others nearly killing them?! At least I know now how dangerous it is to shut down a part of me! Never will I do this again!

I opened my eyes and began shifting. Soon I realized that I was in a sleeping bag. Once I opened my eyes and saw that I was in my villain lair. I could feel something beneath my head, it wasn't a cushion that much I could tell. I turned my head and was met with Aizawa's concern face.

Aizawa: You ok, there?

Me: Yeah...

Wait I was laying on my teacher's lap?!

I immediately sat up and tried to get out of the sleeping bag but failed miserably. Aizawa was chuckling at my clumsiness.

Aizawa: Let me help you problem child.

Me: Ah, thanks!

He helped me get out of the sleeping bag and I sat near him.

I wonder how long was I asleep... When did I fall asleep anyway?

Me (mumbling): I am so sorry for being a burden to you Aizawa-sensei. I never intended to go that far! Normally I have my sanity in check I swear! What I did was a miscalculation on my part. I should have never let myself lose completely...

Aizawa: Kid.

Me (mumbling): I never wanted to hurt Aoyama that bad. Sure I wanted to scare him and maybe even teach him a lesson. I mean I wanted to teach everyone a lesson since they were looking down on quirkless people...

Aizawa: Problem Child!

Me (mumbling): That's why I decided to let myself lose and shut down a part of my rationality. I thought it would be a nice change to let all my emotion get the better of me but it obviously wasn't! I probably should have thought about it better before I decided to do this. If only I never had decided on it, then I wouldn't have hurt them so badly...

Aizawa: Izuku!

Me (still mumbling): Thankfully, I didn't kill anyone. I am sure I would have done it without doubt. I mean I hurt Bakugo really badly and I am not sorry for it, since he was such a bitch! I don't regret doing it and I would do it again if I had the chance. He never apologized to me too after he tortured me for years. He deserves it! He was always telling me I couldn't be a hero seeing my quirkless status and you know what he also told me? He fucking told me to swan dive of a roof!

Aizawa: Midoriya!

Me (mumbling spree): Can you believe that a future hero told a broken child to do that! It was tempting to say the least and I found myself multiple times thinking about it but never did I do it for real. Scratch that that's not true I jumped in front of Uraraka some days ago... Well let's say it wasn't a fun experience and I could have passed on it..


Me: Hmmm?

Aizawa: You were mumbling.

Me: Oh I am so sorry Aizawa-sensei, I didn't realize it! I am so sorry!

Aizawa: It's fine. Besides what did you say about your sanity, problem Child?

Me: Ahm, nothing much?

It was more like a question then an answer since I couldn't remember how much I talked about it in my mumbling spree. I hope that he did too. However, that wasn't the case apparently.

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