War Day 2: Shinso's Despair

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Beep Beep Beep

Not again!

Beep Beep Beep




I took the knife below my pillow and threw it at my alarm clock and this time successfully destroying it. After realizing what I just did, I slowly stood up and I quickly grabbed my stuff from the apartment and made some breakfast. Prepared myself to go outside and see how the heroes will react to the nightmare made by yours truly, Usagi. It was already 9 a.m., by the time I was up an out, in front of the headquarters sitting at the same bench like the day before.

As I was waiting for Kacchan to come and lash out at me I could hear Ectoplasm. He was telling me that the 11 people without the one found by Shinso were already escorted out of the city to another observation room.

It is way to quiet. Heck, Kacchan wasn't even coming out to greet me like usual! I am disappointed!

Ok fine if they really want to play it hard, fine!

I took out my phone and began watching the drone footage. My 3 drones were still following everyone. First, I wanted to see how Shinso reacted to his personal bloody nightmare. It was probably not the best place to watch this and since I think that this will be hilarious, I decided to hack into media system once again to display his reaction. This way I can watch it without anyone being suspicious.

Media Footage(A/N: Every TV and Smartpohone that is connected to the new feed is nor displaying this):

At around 7 a.m. Shinso woke up screaming. His eyes were wide open. He was struggling to get loose not knowing where he is. His breathing began to quicken as he went into a panic attack. Tears were now escaping his eyes. Thanks to his struggle he began slowly to spin while still hanging upside down.

I couldn't held my laughter anymore this was way to funny.

5 minutes later everyone else in the building arrived into the common area. Frozen in place, nobody could move nor speak from what they just saw. It was a nightmare. The pile of corpses, the blood, the message on the wall, everything was straight out of a horror movie.

10 minutes later some of the weaker students collapsed on the floor some were puking out their guts others couldn't handle what they saw and passed out. Bakugo on the other hand was white as a sheet standing in the middle of everyone.

15 minutes later, both Classes went to Shinso and tried to calm him down. It took them an hour to do so after that they too struggled another hour getting him down.

Live Footage since it is around 9 a.m.:

Hitoshi: It is all my fault...

He was still visible shaking. All the girls from Class 1A were now trying to snap him out of his despair. They knew they needed to get him out of the room as fast as possible but no matter where they go there would always find a bloody room.

Bakugo: OI, round cheeks, half-and-half, shitty hair and ponytail, get him out of the building right now!

They needed not be told twice.

Izuku POV:

Ok since everyone is still in the common area, let's blew up every food and water supply to this building. If they won't come to me freely than I will force them!

All I needed to do is send the activation signal for the boom and in the next moment, I could hear the BOOM. The building shook slightly. The heroes that where now out of the building turned around with disbelieve written all around their faces. I than quickly set up the signal for the other explosive in order for it to go off manually at 10 a.m. without me send it. Next, I turned the drone feed of, so that the news were no longer displaying what was happing. With a smooth motion, I looked my phone and hid it back into my blazer.

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