War Day 2: Yeet!

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The hospital was a five story building with multiple outer buildings attached to it. The bombs were placed all over the place, so that the heroes of class 1A will be busy the whole day. I needed them away from the headquarters after all. My plan was to eliminate the rest of class 1B.

My plans were set perfectly. Everything is going according to my plan. This game will end in some days. Needless to say, that I won't get much sleep. But who needs sleep anyway! If our homeroom caterpillar manages to stay awake and do all the bullshit he does than so do I. Sleep deprived heroes are a much easier target. They will let their guard down.

Arriving at my lair, while still lost in thoughts, I immediately search for all the necessity. Weapons such as a handgun, 3 quirk suppressing cuffs just in case, daggers and knifes, a little bottle full of fake blood and lastly ropes.

Oh nonononono, NO, I totally forgot to mention that I needed ropes. Hopefully, Nezu provided me with some. Let's see... UGH I can't find them...There are no ropes! SHIT!

Me(mumbeling): Maybe I could steal some. That is an option. Where would I go to steal them? Where would I find them in the first place? That won't work. DAMN IT! Think Deku! Wait a minute, I could use the metal cable, no that won't work, how the hell will I be able to make a node? On the other hand, they would be stable enough. That's out of the question I would lose to many time for getting them. Hmmm... How could I forget, Ibara's quirk! I swear I am so dump! Ibara's Quirk gives her hair-like vines that grow on her head. She can lengthen and manipulate the vines, allowing her to attack, defend, and grapple. She also has the ability to detach them at will. She probably will guard the front entrance of the building since she could capture me easily.

Let's go to work shall we, Usagi!

------time skip brought to you by Usagi running though the tunnels------

It was brought daylight or should be as we are in a city built underneath the school. I needed to be careful. One wrong move and they will capture me for sure.

Oh, who do we have here? Vine aka Ibara and OH OH , that's bad news, Gevaudan aka Jurota Shishida. Jurota's Quirk allows him transform into a large, monstrous beast-man. This monster form drastically augments his strength, speed, and durability, as well as his senses of hearing and smell. While he is transformed, he becomes more wild, making him reckless.

Well nothing a bullet can't handle!

I was across the street behind the fountain safely shielded away from their sight. The gun in my hand, aiming at the beast hero in front of the building. They wouldn't see it coming, not after it was too late. That shoot would have made it, if not for the car, which needed to drive past by.

I was watching them for 10 minutes and in all the time there was no car. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Not only do they now know that I am here, but luck is also not on my side. SHIT!

My cover was blown, now left with only one option, I speed ran at them with the gun in my hand. As I was jumping on a parked car, I had a clear view on Gevaudan. However, he was now in his beast form, making things a lot complicated. Ibara was also aiming her vines at me while Gevaudan was trying to tackle me and take me down.

The gun only helps with Gevaudan, he however, was too fast for me to aim and shoot with sheer luck. I wouldn't want to take the risk once again, I don't have enough bullets for this. I would probably run out of blood bullets for my handgun. Dodjing both of them I quickly began switching the bullets I still had paralyze bullets.

After I successfully switched them, I once again run straight to the beast. He is way too reckless in this form. I was shielding the gun away from his view. What I didn't see coming were Pony Tsunotori horn cannon.

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