War Day 6: Sanity, what's that?!

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I intended to go to my main villain lair but I found myself back in my second lair.

How did I end up here?

I looked around and my eyes set on a shadow figure in the corner of the room.

Me: *sharp inhale*

Not again! Please no not here!

I closed my eyes and began counting.

1 .... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... ....10.... ....21.... .....42.... .....63.... 84.... 95.... 100

I slowly opened my eyes and the shadow figure was gone. I then went to the middle of the room.

'If you really want to be a hero, than why don't you take a swan dive of the roof and hope for a quirk in your next live'

'Why didn't you jump?!'

A tear escaped fell down my cheek.

'I don't believe a quirkless person can be a hero...'

'Even the Number 1 hero said it! It must be true!'



'Waste of Space'


Me (whisper shouting): s-s-s-stop....

I was now completely crying, not able to hold my tears back!



Me (whisper shouting): .....please....



Me: just stop... I didn't do anything wrong!



Me: Stop please!





'Quirkless Disappointment'

'Do us all a favor and just die already!'



The voice however didn't stop, they kept repeating the same words, again and again and again! I went to the table and used it to hold myself onto. All of a sudden, I became dizzy. My head hurt and I was angry. Angry at my parent, angry at the teacher, angry at my classmates, angry at the world and angry at myself for being so useless.

Not knowing how to deal with the anger rising in me, I took the table with both of my hands and flipped it screaming at it.


From the corner of my eyes I saw some shadow figure approaching me. They were laughing at me. I felt like I was losing my mind. And in the next moment I laugh not knowing why. I just did.

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