War Day 4: Aizawa is jealous!

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3rd POV:

Aizawa: Uravity is out!

After the teacher went back to the observation room, Recovery Girl somehow managed to patch up Uraraka. Even if she was a traitor, the old recovery hero couldn't help herself but attend the wounds of the injured girl. The Girl was seriously hurt and on top of that was on the brink of death. She was lucky she was still alive. Recovery Girl knew she couldn't use her quirk on Uravity but at the same time if she doesn't use it at least to heal and attach that broken rip of hers, she might not survive the night.

Chiyo worked the whole night on putting the bone back in place and stitching up the wound. She than used her quirk a little bit, for the bone to attach itself back and for the smaller cuts to heal. After that, she stitched the deeper cuts and wrapped her up in bandages. After the mighty rat god of UA went to her and whispered to her that the girl she just patched up was a traitor, she was shocked. Chiyo couldn't believe it at first, that the sweet Uraraka would do something like that! However, she believed Nezu and she knew she could trust her old friend with her life. She put Uraraka into a comatose state until this whole thing is over. Uravity was to be in the same observation room until she was all healed up. Recovery Girl estimated that the injured girl would need 1 to 2 weeks until she would be back up on her feet again.

Mean while Vlad King carried Toga out of the room, followed by Snipes. The both hero placed the unconscious villain in a top secured room, where nobody should be able to get out or in. The room had no visual feedback meaning there were no cameras. Nezu gave them a paper with a note:

Secure her into a room without Cameras and Mics, no electricity! Make sure she has quirk suppression cuffs. The room must be soundproof and has a wall thickness of min. 1m!

P.s: if you finished reading give me back the paper and do not talk about this at all!

After they read the note, they gave it back to Nezu. The other Teachers were informed about the not talking about the students and villains part besides Nezu's game. Everyone questions the decision of the mouse but no one dared to ask or go against it as the creator had long stopped smiling. Nezu had also an overwhelming aura, no one knew what that meant. All they could think of is that something serious was going on.

All Might: Were is Young Izuku? I Can't find him on the monitor.

That drew their attention to the TV's everyone tried to spot the hero in training. However, no one could find him.

Aizawa was getting worried about him, he knew that Izuku was doing ok but he had this feeling in his gut that something was wrong with him. He wanted to find his problem child and go out there and search for him to make sure nothing was wrong.

Yamda searched frantically for the greenette but couldn't find him. He saw the little boy after what happened in the room and he began to worry if the LOV got to him.

All Might didn't know what to think of, first his boy attacked him, then he nearly killed Bakugo and now the LOV is here?! It was too much for him and all he could think of was what Izuku did to get in such a situation.

Nezu was worried he knew if Izuku didn't had any injuries after Uraraka and Toga disappeared the boy was in trouble. All he could think of was how Izuku told them to trust him. The rat god liked to ensure himself that nothing was wrong with his child because he was smart. Izuku was smarter than he originally thought and he had proven this fact multiple times.

It was getting late and most of the teachers went to bed. However, until they found Izuku Aizawa couldn't help but stay awake.

At 11 a.m. the greette appeared into the view of a drone and all the teachers knowing about his secret were relieved.

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