War Day 6: Trust needs to be earned!

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I was waiting for Twice to come.

How high is the possibility that Aizawa would find the room?

Very low, I would say. Nearly ZERO I would say too but apparently, this room was easier to find than what I expected!

Kurogiri was about to open a portal for Twice while Aizawa was nearly at the door. I could hear him. His light footsteps are not easy to dismiss and I didn't close the door to the room for this explicit purpose!

What should I do? Stay in here and play dumb or distract him and get him to leave somehow?

He was close to the room. Kurogiri opened a portal and Twice stepped through.

Me(whispering): Stay here and be quiet Eraserhead is outside the room in any minute now!

In addition, I went out of the room leaving a confused Twice behind.

Twice: What's your problem dude?, I fully understand that.

I could hear him say before I shut the door behind be. Immediately after I stepped outside the room, I came face to face with Aizawa.

Speaking of the devil and he might appear...

Me: You found me! Congrats!

Play it cool, Izuku! He doesn't know that Twice is here! Oh god what if he enters the room and sees him? No! I can't give him the chance for that!

Me: Are you not gonna tag me? I mean we are playing tag are we not?

Aizawa: No we are not, problem child.

Me: ... okay.... then why did you chase after me?

Aizawa: I have a question for you and please be honest with me.

Me: It's not as if I can in the first place, I am pretty sure you would know it the moment I try. So what's the question Sensei?

Aizawa: What do I need to do for you to trust me?

Good question! Actually, no one ever cared for me that much to want my trust. Maybe you weren't lying after all. Let's test this out.

Me: You want my trust?

Aizawa: Yes, problem child. I want you to be able to trust me.

Me: ok then how about you capture Hitoshi and bring him into the cage in my lair. Oh and please do it so that no other person sees you. Here is a blood grenade. Use it on him as soon as he is in the cage. Here are also a pair of quirk suppression handcuffs. Just in case, he tries something funny.

If he really want my trust than I want to see how much he is willing to do for it!

I saw his eyes widen for a bit before he went back to his usual poker face.

He won't do it!

Aizawa: All right.

Say what now? Did I hear him right?

Me: really?

Aizawa: Yes.

So I did hear him right, interesting!

Me: Well than what are you waiting for? I have another victim I have to deal with and I need my time to think about a strategy.

Aizawa: *Sigh*, just don't do something completely reckless.

Me: No promises!

Aizawa: *Sigh* You will be the death of me, kid!

Me: Maybe you are right on that one...

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