War Day 7: Reaction Time!

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Nezu's POV:

I was waiting in the staff room for my child to come so that I can congratulate him personally since he lost his earbud while throwing Yaoyorozu out of the window. Recovery Girl already warned Aizawa and me that he might developed a high fever since he was really pale and shivering at times like it was freezing cold. I was sure that he caught one since he sneezed and gave himself away. The head wound he got was also concerning me.

Izu wouldn't be so careless! He is my child after all and he is a genius!

He demonstrated his skill and they were above the level he showed in his last fight! I am worried about him! I hope that his fever wasn't very high...

However, I knew that my hopes were wrong. The feeling in my gut told me so.

If he hadn't only developed this fever, I am sure he would have done something a little bit more elegant and something that would be more to the impossible and surprising side since he already taken down everyone without a quirk.

To be honest I am very intrigued since that shouldn't be possible in the first place. Guess that shows how determined he is to become a hero and I will do everything and I mean everything to help him accomplish his dreams!

Recovery Girl assured me that his head injury wasn't something serious and he wouldn't get a concussion because of it.

At least I don't have to plan bankruptcy!

If Izuku got seriously injures because the Yaoyorozu chose a baseball bat than I swear to god, that I wouldn't have shown any mercy toward her family and would ruin them in an instance!

The door to the stuff room opened and Aizawa got in carrying my child bridal style. I immediately jumped from my chair and went to his side while he was laying my greenette down on the couch.

Me: What happened to him?

Aizawa: He collapsed on the way back. Recovery Girl he has a high fever, he is literally burning up!

Recovery Girl went to his side and measures his temperature with a clinical thermometer.

Recovery Girl: 41,5°C

Me: Get Todoroki here to help regulate his body temperature!

Aizawa immediately left the room in a hurry.

Me: Is there anything you can do for him?

Recovery Girl: *Sigh* I swear your and Aizawa's problem child will kill me one day! I will give him an injection that will help him get over the fever. It would be best if Todoroki cools him down. It should only take about 6 hours for the fever to subdue.

Me: Ok then I guess we will have the discussion without him.

I was sitting on the couch next to his head and was playing with Midoriya's hair. It was really fluffy and soft. It was surprisingly soft.

After 5 minutes, Aizawa came in with Todoroki. The dual haired boy immediately went to Izuku and positioned him so that the green bean was leaning against his cold side.

Me: Todoroki, would it be ok if you stayed here with him? 

Todoroki: I will do anything for my brother to get better!

So you consider him a sworn brother already... interesting!

My child do you have any enemies after this? The LOV was also rooting for you even wanted to watch the whole thing in the room they are in.

Midnight: Brother?!

Todoroki: I mean Izuku, he helped me to get my brother back and I would do anything to return the favor!

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