War Day 2: I finaly snapped...

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A/N: Thanks so much for 1k and 100 stars

After Aizawa and Ectoplasm's clone guided me to the teacher's observation room, I was immediately set down on the couch. Recovery Girl was unwrapping all the bandages to see how deep the cuts were and how deep my shoulder wound was.

Recover Girl: This is a nasty wound. You should have been more carefully.

Me: I know, I got distracted and didn't see her!

All Might: What were you even thinking?!

Me: A strategy to take them down... By the way are they still in the tunnel?

Ectoplasm: Yes, I will get them once the next day early in the morning.

Me: Good, I still need them.

Recovery Girl: No you don't! What you need is rest!

With that said she kissed me on the cheek. Weird enough, I didn't feel any exhaustion or tiredness. My wound began slowly to heal by itself. The cuts were no longer visible only my wound on my shoulder was still there but also slowly healing.

Aizawa: Problem Child, why didn't you use your quirk?

Me: I am not planning on using it at all. I want to show everyone that a quirkless person can still accomplish the same things as someone with a quirk. Can I go now?

Nezu: Why don't you rest for an hour or two? I am sure there is no harm in that.

Me: I have a schedule to accomplish.

Nezu: Than how about some tee time?

Me: I guess I could spare some time. However, I will not show all the card that I have prepared, nor will I say what plans I came up with.

Nezu: That's all right, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to.

Knew it, they want to talk about what I did yesterday.

The mouse/bear/dog thing, handed me a tea.

Vlad King: Can I ask you, why are you targeting class 1B that much?

Me: Huh, I am not targeting them. If anything then I am going easy on them.

Present Mic: So you mean that your real target is class 1A, your fellow classmates?

Me: Maybe, I answered your question now let me ask one myself.

Aizawa: Fair enough.

Me: I dropped my handgun, are any heroes allowed to use it?

Snipe: No. They could hurt themselves.

Me: Oh if that's so than I would suggest saying that to Monoma as he just picked up my gun and the safety is still not enabled. If he pulls the trigger right now he will hurt himself.

I watched him from the side monitor; Monoma and Kuroiro were entering the entrance area. They both were looking around for the others. Then Monoma went and picked my gun off the ground. He proceeded playing with it as if it was a fake one. Clearly, he doesn't know what he was doing as he placed the gun on his temple and was laughing. While doing all kind of motion with the gun in his hand, he pulled the trigger and the bullet hit Kutoiro.

Vlad King: Monoma put that down -

Poor Vlad King wasn't even able to finish what he was saying, before the BANG. The bullet hit Kutoiro in the stomach. It wasn't a lethal wound but the way he was hit and Monoma's action next he would bleed out.

Me: hahahahaha

I couldn't detain the laughter anymore, it was hilarious! I was laughing so much that some tears were falling down my cheek.

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