War Day 6: Electrocuted

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I was hiding the whole night. Every time I could hear Aizawa near me I would either hide my presence and watch him go past me or I would sprint away only for him to ran after me. It was fun hiding and making the sleep deprived hero frustrated. After I had enough of my fun, I waited for him to pass me. I then came out from the shadows, I was hiding in, slowly followed him while closing the gap in between us until I was only one-step away from him.

I creeped up to him from behind. Slowly raising my hand and finally putting it on his shoulder. He immediately turned around; jumped a few feet away, activated his quirk and a high pitch 'eh' could be heard. He shoot his capture weapon at me and I dodged it.

His reaction was too funny for me so I fell on the ground laughing my ass off. Aizawa on the other hand looked at me surprised and angry.

Aizawa: Problem Child!

He said a little bit threating.

Should I be scared?

No! His face was way too funny!

I couldn't help it, I managed to scare the Eraserhead! The one and only teacher that never ever got scared in any shitty situation. And yet here we are in an underground tunnel, me and him and I did it.

Never thought that he would actually let out a high pitched sound before reacting!

Aizawa: You done now?

Me: Hahahaha You kidding? No!

I had some tears running down my cheek from laughing to hard.

Aizawa raised an eyebrow at me before using his capture weapon on me. As I was unable to move because of my laughing attack, it was easy for him to wrap me up in his scarf. He then began dragging me back to the villain lair. Once we arrived there I immediately noticed that my fake blood was gone.

Me: What happened with my fake blood?

Aizawa: Ectoplasm removed it.

Me: Why?

Aizawa: We don't want you to traumatize any more students than you already do.

Me: Fair point.

He was still dragging me to the middle of my villain lair. He didn't even make any move to release me.

Me: So you gonna release me, or what?

Aizawa: When was the last time you slept?

Me: Hm, the last time I really slept was when I had a concussion say 1-2 days ago? Why?

Aizawa groaned at my answer.

Aizawa: Jesus, kid.

Me: It's fine! Now can you let me go or do I need to cut myself lose?

Aizawa: You're gonna sleep, NOW, just lay down, don't struggle, try to relax and sleep. I am gonna be right beside you.

Me: Eh no! And I warn you one last time. If you don't get your scarf off me I will cut myself loose!

Aizawa: How do you think you gonna do that? You don't even have a real knife!

Me: Good point, but I will get out of it!

Aizawa: *sigh* can't you even relax for a moment?

Me: I have a game to win so no! And if you don't get me loose I'm going to scream and throw a tantrum!

I saw Aizawa get into his sleeping back so I tried to contact Nezu before I would really go so far and throw a childish tantrum.

Me: NEZU! Tell him to let me free!

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