War Day 2: Rat God

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A/N: After A War Day, well better to say the last chapter of War Day x, will be the teachers perspective of the day!

3rd POV:

The teacher still couldn't believe what happened at the first day of the game. Izuku Midoiya not only refused to use his quirk in combat but he also planned everything. Needless to say, after what he did with the with hero headquarter, Nezu was regretting giving him permission to use fake blood. However, it was not only the fake blood that the mouse thing feared but also the little extras that he left for Midoriya in his villain lair.

Vlad King was worried about his remaining students. Whereas Aizawa and Yamada were worried about their adopted child. They couldn't sleep that night. They feared what will happen to Shinso after he woke up and find himself in a literal nightmare. He was bullied all his live for his villainous quirk and with each passing year he began believing what others say. It was not nearly as bad as Izukus quirkless experience but it was certainly an unpleasant experience.

Everyone would have been more than terrified if they would have found them self in the same situation Shinso was in, hanging from the ceiling in a bloody room with dead civilian(robots). The message on the wall was not helping the least, nor did the dead student beneath him.

The teachers were all up early watching every move on the monitor but nothing changes until 7 a.m, that's when Shinso woke up.

Present Mic: Can we please get him out of there?

Nezu: Unfortunately not, every interference on our side will be against the rules I set up.

Aizawa: He needs to learn to cope with it. As cruel and brutal as it sound, this is actually something the kids, could encounter later on.

Vlad King: You kidding, right?.... This is not normal Shota!... Your student here has some serious problems!... I can now understand why you are calling them problem children!

The remaining students were trying to get their classmate loose from his capture weapon. Unfortunately, for him, they needed to destroy it in the process as Izuku managed to tightly and neatly tie him up. No one was able to loosen the grip of it.

Aizawa was massaging his head, he could feel a migraine creeping up at him. He not only will probably need to go with Shinso to Hound Dog but also somehow get rid of the anxiety from a capture weapon he will have after this. In addition to that, he needed to get him a new one and that would mean more social interaction as needed. He also couldn't deny the fact that his problem child, yes he was talking about Izuku, has somehow managed to learn to get a feeling for the scarf. It was hard to tie someone down like he did and Izuku did this neatly. Aizawa was admiring his students work. He noted that he would need to ask him later for his technique.

Hound Dog: He at least has his friend in this situation to calm him down. I only hope they can get him out of there as fast as possible.

Power Loader: I agree with the Vlad, this is not normal, he has an obsession with blood and what's with that sickening Cheshire smiley of blood.

Nezu: It looks like his signature as a villain. I am also glad that Shinso's panic attack didn't harm him physically.

At 9 a.m. the teacher could see some movement from the villain.

Snipe: Wait, did he just throw a knife at the alarm clock?

Midnight: Does he sleep with a knife beneath his pillow? Why would he do that in the first place?

Aizawa: Good to know to never wake him up! Note taken.

After they watched Izuku hacking in the news station again they saw the same thing they watched 2 hours ago. He exposed the little horror sight of the heroes to the news.

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