War Day 7: Showing Mercy!

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I woke up in the teacher's observation room barely remembering how I ended up there. All I knew was that I battled Shigaraki and I think I won but everything after that is a blur.

Slowly lifting myself up in a sitting position I could see that not all the teachers were here in the room.

Huh, All Might isn't here?! I wonder were the others are too?

Nezu and Recover Girl were the first to come up to my side or sit across me.

Recovery Girl: How are you feeling dearie?

Me: Pretty good.

That was actually a lie. I felt like crap. My head was killing me and it was way too hot in here.

Recovery Girl: Let me check up on your condition.

Me: That won't be necessary! I am fine! I feel pretty normal and besides you healed up all my wounds.

Shigaraki probably touched me in our battle. I really can't remember much of our battle. Knowing that I won is all I care. At last no attacks of the LOV anymore and they get a second chance! They can change their life's for the better! I am so happy with that.

I saw Recovery Girl walking towards me with a clinical thermometer.

A fever?!

That would explain how I feel right now!

Oh Gosh, NO! Worst timing ever! I have a game to win! I can't be sick right now!

I jumped up from the couch and bolted to the door. No teacher was getting in my way from getting back to the game. Nezu was sitting across from the couch I was moments ago and was sipping from his tea.

I swear he knows black magic! His quirk is his intelligence but he manages to have a cup of eternal tea in his hand that magically appears and disappears. I won't even question that any longer.

The other teachers weren't even near me at that moment, I was happy for that as I didn't gave them much time to react. After I jumped up to my feet, I bolted to the door, opened it and stopped in the doorframe.

Me: Thanks for everything! I really feel fine! I have a game to win! Later!

That was all I wanted to say before I went back to my main villain lair. Once entered the underground tunnels I began to wobble and I wasn't steady on my feet's anymore. My vision was also blurring. I held to the side of the underground tunnel for support and began slowly making my way back. Before I entered the lair I stood some feet's away from the entrance and relaxed for a little bit. I could tell that my fever is messing with me and my performance and I didn't want Aizawa to drag me back to the teachers observation room and cancel the exercise.

I came to far to be disqualified because of my stupid fever!

After I felt better and gained a better control of my sense of balance, I went inside and greeted my guest and teacher.

Me: Hello Toshi! Nice to see you up and ready for your judgment!

Aizawa was in his sleeping bag but once he heard my announcement he quickly wiggled himself out of it.

Me: Say Caterpillar when are you evolving into a Butterfly or are you preferring a Moth?

Shinso was giggling right now. I could tell he was holding back his laugher.

Aizawa: Problem Child! I remember clearly telling you to stop calling me that!

Me: I am only stating a fact here!

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