War Day 7: Game, Set and Match

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After Shinso got the other target out of the building and Denki not being there, I had an easy game. All I had to do was getting one of the girls disqualified of the exercise.

It was a good idea watching Shinso and following him. Thanks to that, I now know where she is. Haha let the last day be a success!

I vented to the floor where I knew Yaoyorozu was. My headache was killing me and having developed a fever was something I didn't accounted in my plans.

Guess getting disintegrated for a little bit did really mess with my health!

Some people get a fever when being shot or stabbed but not me. The first time I were shot and seriously stabbed I too developed a high fever. Back then, I was nearly at the brink of death. My mother refused to treat me or send me to a hospital because I was useless and they would ask too much questions.

The first time I got stabbed and was nearly bleeding out, I somehow got out of the basement of the house where I got punished on top of it because I was so careless to get stabbed in the first place. Anyway, I somehow managed to get out of the hellhole that I call home and then went to the hospital for treatment. Back then I was naive and thought that a hospital is a place where everyone gets treated when having any kinds of physical injury. Guess what that wasn't the case. I was escorted to a doctor's room and then once they found out that I was quirkless, they threw me out but not in front of the hospital. They threw me out through the back entrance where only staff members enter and exit. I wasn't good enough for the front entrance. Then I got yelled at because they thought that I stabbed myself to get attention. I mean like what? Why should I have done that? Well apparently because I only wanted attention. After that, I learned how to deal with such wounds!

I was currently in the vent system and watched Yaoyorozu enter a room. Opening the hatch silently, letting myself fall down without making any sound, I was quick on my feet again a little bit wobbly but soon recover and got my balance back in check. Waiting behind the door that would open my way, she couldn't have seen me. Hoping that she wouldn't slam the door open, I was waiting for her to come out of the room next to the door.

Please don't slam the door open. I don't feel like being hit with a door... so please don't slam it open!

Thanks to the God that heard my pleading!

Yaoyorozu exited the room and left the door open. It was easy for me to sneak up on her from behind but unfortunately something happened.

Me: Aaa-choo!

Damn fever!

I sneezed! Yaoyorozu reacted immediately, turned around, used her quirk to make a gun and shot at me!

Seeing something in her hand, allured me and I dodged to the side ducking. Lucky for me I was still fast on my feet and could escape the bullet. In the next step, I sprinted at her while she shot every bullet in the gun. Dodging to the side, I jumped and kicked the gun out of her hand. Then I took out my daggers ready to attack.

Me: Aaa-choo!

Another sneeze of mine. However before I was able to attacked, she created a baseball bat and used it to block my knifes. Then she began swinging like a psychopath.

Me: Careful, we don't want to hit the villain now, do we?!

Yaoyorozu: You sure about that?

Me: Mhm~ totally!

She tried to hit me but I was simply dodging every attack until I got another dizzy attack from my fever. My vision blurred again and I miscalculated the trajectory of the baseball bat. It hit me right on my head. Something began running down my face as I jumped back. I used my hand to wipe it away. I saw her coming right at me again and one glimpse at my hand told me that I was bleeding.

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