War Day 5: Hands off our little rabbit, Usagi!

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Aizawa-sensei was currently caring me back to our villain base. Once we entered the base, he laid me gently down on the floor, seeing as none of the table there were large enough to put me on.

Me: Agr, this hurts like hell!

I opened my eyes slowly and wanted to stand up. Keyword wanted! Aizawa-sesnei was quick to force me back down, not giving me a chance to stand up or sit up.

Aizawa: Lay down, problem child.

Me: I'm fine!

Aizawa: Aha and who do you want to fool with such an obvious lie?

Me: I am awake and I am alive! That's all I care!

Aizawa: How are you even awake? You inhaled that sleeping gas and yet here you are claiming to be fully awake and fine.

Me: Well pain is one hell of a medicine to stay awake.

Aizawa: *sigh* You do know that with your injuries most of the pro-heroes wouldn't even be awake now.

Me: Well what should I say, I am just special.

Aizawa: Would you stop moving problem child!

Me: Would you let me stand up?

Aizawa: No, you are severely injured!

Me: Well there is your answer!

Aizawa: *sigh* I don't get paid enough for this!

Aizawa-sensei was making sure that I couldn't stand up. He had one of his hand on my chest and carefully applied pressure to not hurt me but at the same time to disable me from getting up.

Great! Why not give me the first aid kit so that I can patch me up?

No! That would be to simple, now would it, Eraserhead?!

Well that didn't stop me from struggling.

Nezu: Izuku, I suggest you stop moving. Your wounds are deep from what we can see and Recovery Girl is already on her way to you.

All Might: My boy, stop struggling nobody is going to hurt you.

Me: Did you just call me my boy?! AGAIN!

I will not put up with such kind of bullshit! Let me teach him a lesson!

I was now struggling even more.

Aizawa: Calm down problem child!


Before I could say even more or struggle more. I could hear some footsteps behind Aizawa.

The next thing I know I am in a marble.

3rd POV:

While Izuku was struggling to get out of Aizawas way and stand up, Kurogiri opened a portal behind the pro-hero.

Eraserhead was too busy with Izuku to even see the portal behind him. The moment he did notice it, he was already engaged in a full battle with Twice and his clones. Said teacher tried his best to protect Izuku from the LOV members but the tired teacher was simply over numbered. Although he managed to use his quirk Erasure on Twice, eliminating his quirk and every other clone, he didn't see the Nomu enter the battle field. That giant creature was the same beast he fought once in the USJ incident. Aizawa knew better than to attack the creature head on but his student life, his child more specifically his problem child's life was at stake. While he was busy fighting of the Nomu, Compress came to Izuku's side and used his quirk on the greenette trapping him in a marble.

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