Villain Lair

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I heard a knock on the door.


I was lucky I could hide the capture weapon in time as I walked to open the door. I was immediately greeted by Aizawa-Sensei, All Might and Nezu.

Nezu: Hello, I assume you prepared yourself well?

Me: Hello, yes I did.

Aizawa: As you already know, you are not allowed to bring anything with you except one thing of your choice.

That I know but I also know since I asked Nezu that if I successfully hid anything and bring it with me it will be allowed since I am a villain and the game already started the day I got the rulebook.

Me: I know and wait a sec.

With that said, I turned around head to my table, took a USB drive from it, and hold it up to show them the item of my choice.

Nezu: A USB drive? Is that what you want to bring with you?

Me: Yes, I prepared a great debut and this will help a lot.

Nezu: hahaha, I can't wait to see what you have set up for the others.

Me: N-N-Nothing to special.

All Might: Well, then young Midoriya follow us.

Me: Very well.

The pro-heroes began guiding me to the underground place where the so called "war" will begin. We were currently in the elevator with the other Teachers. They handed me a map to where my villain lair is and started talking.

Nezu: From the last time we spoke and judging from the USB drive you did prepare yourself pretty well.

Me: Yes, I put a lot of thought into it.

Nezu: Mind telling use some of your surprises?

Nezu was chirping and happy which made the other teacher uncomfortable. He was always smiling but now he was exciting and that was never a good sign. Well of course I knew exactly why he sounded like that. I promised him the show of a live time if not a show that UA will certainly not forget that quickly.

Me: I could do that, ..... BUT that would ruin all the fun!

Everyone was now confused, nether one of the teacher ever heard me say something like that. I could literally feel their eyes on me. I couldn't care less!

Nezu: Let me remind you again, there will be some upper classman here so before you decide to use the explosives you need to inform me so that we can remove them from that place. There will also be some civilian robots, which you are free to attack.

Nezu than handed me an earbud so that I could contact him.

Aizawa: Explosives?

Oh my, didn't Nezu tell them anything about our talk? I mean I did technically ask him not to say anything but I still thought that at least Snipe would spill something.

Nezu: Yes, he came to me with the request of using some Explosives.

Midnight: And you thought it was a good idea?

Snipe: He is qualified to use them, that I can guarantee.

This became so much fun all of a sudden.

The teachers where looking worried and I can tell that the air was nearly suffocating by the word explosives. So I made up my mind to act a little more villainous.

Me: Don't worry, the explosives are the least of their worries!

Not only did I say that in a sweet and exiting voice, I also give them a smile they wouldn't forget that easy. By now everyone could see the changes in my eyes.

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