War Day 4: Brothers Reunion

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Dabi: What is it little brother?

Me: Did you just call me brother?

Dabi: Shot! Did I say that aloud?

Shoto woke up and was look around the room, until he spotted me. He began using his ice to trap me but I simply dodged it. In the process he managed to freeze the door leading out, trapping us both inside the room.

Me: Yes,..... well anyways I could need some help. I am currently trapped in a room with fire and I thought fighting fire with fire would be the best idea. So ahm, your fire is hotter than this red flames, can you help me and control this fire please. I am pretty sure this flame misses you more than me!

Dabi: I will be there in 5 minutes.

The villain hung up and I put the earbud back into my pocket. The room was getting colder and colder.

Me: Wow, easy there Shoto! I have a surprise for you! Now please stop attacking me.

Shoto stopped attacking me for a while and just looked at me surprised. However, this didn't last long as he froze the whole fricking floor. I wasn't surprised at all. That was expected, he did the same thing at the sports festival. Freezing the floor and immobilizing the opponent. Clever, if you ask me. If you have seen it once or twice, than this isn't surprising anymore and so I jumped the moment I saw him freezing it. I might not be elegant when my feet touched the ground, as I slipped and fell down.

Shoto: Why should I believe you?

I somehow managed to get up and began gliding on the ice to dodge his attacks.

Me: I know what you've been through. You and your brother didn't deserve it.

Shoto: You know nothing!

This triggered something, I could see that the ice beneath his fire side began to melt.

Me: You sure about that? Besides, I see you still refuse to use your fire.

Shoto: I refuse to use his quirk!

Me: Again? I thought you were over this, beside didn't you brother Toya also had a fire quirk? Do you perhaps despise him too? I mean I can understand that. He abandoned you and let your father train you, shape you to his hearts content.

Shoto: Don't talk about my brother like that!

The room temperature began to rise. All I had to do is give him the final push.

Why doesn't Shoto get it? It is his quirk not his fathers! I would have killed to have such an amazing quirk and he was born with it, no he was gifted! How can he refuse that? He need to learn that it's his power not his fathers!

Me: Why not? He abandoned you, his fire is equal to your fathers! He isn't any better!

Shoto: SHUT. UP!

That's when he loses control on his fire. Red flames began enveloping the room. For me it was a beautiful sight. My costume might be fireproof but it also has it's limits. Not long after he lost control, the whole room was standing on fire.

Dabi where are you? My costume is fireproof but not my skin. It's getting unbearable hot in here. Please hurry up and stop taking your sweet time! I can take a lot but to be cooked a life isn't something I can handle well. Burn me and I won't say a thing but put me in a hot room and I can't breathe.

As on clue, a portal appeared right in front of me. Dabi came out and looked around.

Me: I am right behind you.

Let the Hunt begin (UA Hero/Villain Civil War Practice Game)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora