Crazy weirdo!!!

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"Welcome, sir!" The manic greeted "Let's make a deal! But before that, let me introduce myself and my friends here-"

"I don't need to know your names." The man deadpanned.

"This is Emma, that's Ray and I'm [Y/N]." The girl continued anyways with the smile never leaving her face.

"I said, I don't want to know-"

"Like I care about what you want." She rolled her eyes, dropping the smiling face act.

But before the matters could get out of hand, Emma interrupted the mini conversation. "Why don't you sit down?" She offered courtesily.

But the man just stood there while glaring daggers at the h/c haired girl who glared back at him with the same intensity.

"Okay...." Emma mumbled awkwardly "Then I'll take a seat instead." She sat on the chair "So, what's your name, sir?"

The man finally turned towards the ginger head "I don't need to tell you my name." He coldly stated "Get out."

"Why you-" [Y/N] was about spit out some venomous comment but Ray took the initiative and stopped her from doing so by taking a hold of her cold hand, reminding her that this was not the time to argue. She needs to calm down.

"Gilda, can you...?" Emma briefly turned to the said girl, signaling her.

"Oh, yes...!" Gilda rushed to the kitchen to get some soup for the man.

"How are you feeling?" Emma kept the conversation going.

"Horrible. And especially due that brat." He pointed out the e/c eyed girl.

"Ray, let me at him." [Y/N] whispered to the boy next to her.

"[Y/N], I get what you're feeling right now but calm down." He squeezed her hand a bit more to calm her nerves. Or maybe just so that if [Y/N] ever went on a rampage, he would be able to hold her back. Either one.

"Sorry for strapping you to the table." Emma apologized "And for taking your cookies."

"I do not regret eating them!" [Y/N] said out loud before getting nudged rather harshly in the stomach by Ray's elbow. "Do that one more time and I'll make sure you regret it." She hissed at Ray while the boy just shrugged it off for now. He can't let the man interfere with their path to human world.

"You must be hungry." Emma said "to make up for everything, have some soup for breakfast." She offered "it's not poisoned." She took a sip to prove her statement "it's good."

The man observed the soup before putting it away, not even taking a sip out of it.

"Oh, but Gilda warmed it up for you." Emma frowned in confusion before simply shrugging it off and continuing to smile like the little ball of positivity she is. "This soup was made from the ingredients we brought with us. And we'll continue to secure our own food supplies. We'll use the least amount of rooms, water and electricity that we can." She further assured

"'So let's share this shelter'?" He concluded before bluntly answering "No freaking way, get out."

"Actually that's not it." She said "These are just formalities before we make a deal."

"Because I know you don't care about the supplies being limited." [Y/N] coolly stated "you think we didn't do our homework while you were out like light?" She questioned "you make excuses. You make unnecessary actions. And the fact is that this shelter is set up so that we all can survive in it together."

"I'm going to get right to the point." Emma got up and walked towards him "We're going to A08-63 and I want you to be our guide and bodyguard."

"Your guide and bodyguard?" The man scoffed.

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