World War 3

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{Another part of Some old memories}


5 years old


"And they lived happily ever after..." Mama concluded the story as the rest of the kids appreciated the fairytale for its beauty.

"It's unsettling." [Y/N] objected

"What is, dear?" Mama asked

"All those stories that you tell us always seem to have a 'happily ever after' at the end of it but I think that it's rather boring." the girl ranted on "They should give the villain more background, I mean, in Sleeping Beauty's story, Maleficent is portrayed as an evil fairy but I don't think she'll just curse people over something as trivial as a birthday party." the others just listen her rant even more "I feel so bad for Cinderella, I mean, the Prince doesn't even seem to recognize her without make up on, does make up and a fancy gown is all it takes to transform a person that effectively?!" she huffed "And what is it with them not having mothers? Why can they talk to animals? Why are they always kidnapped or even enslaved? Why don't they poses a weapon of their own?"

"I understand what you mean but that is what the story says, [Y/N]."

"Hm... then I don't like it." she pouted

"Any other stupid criticism?" Ray asked sarcastically

"Yeah. You're rude so shut that mouth of yours." she hissed at him and the two continued to glare at each other while the other kids sweat dropped.

"Now, now, you two cannot fight over every other thing." Mama took the two and sat them on her lap.

"But he/she always starts it!" the two pointed at each other like the little innocent kids they were.

"Well-" Mama was saved from trying reason with two by none other that [Y/N]'s Buttercup.

"But [Y/N], don't you think having a prince would be so charming?" Gilda asked in awe.

"No, Buttercup." the girl deadpanned "I'd rather be the knight in shining armor than be a damsel in distress."

"But why?" Emma asked innocently

"Because it's cool and fun! I mean, you'll get to do adventures and stuff! Maybe even fight an alligator!"

"Yeah, [Y/N]! I totally agree with you!" Don agreed

"No prince has fought an alligator." Ray deadpanned

"But if you're the damsel in distress, you'll always be cooped up somewhere probably or have some mean relatives." she ignored the raven haired boy's comment 

"It's to teach you that you should always be a nice person." Mama told the girl 

"But none of them dare to leave that horrid cage! I mean, do they have dignity in themselves or not? Always being saved by a prince..." she scoffed

"Then, when you grow up, would you like to become a knight instead?" Norman asked

"There's no way that could happen because the imperial age is long gone." [Y/N] informed

"HUH?! Then why are you arguing over whether you'd like to be a princess or prince?!" Emma asked

"I never said I was dreaming of becoming one. I was arguing about the weak backgrounds of the characters." the girl deadpanned

"You worked up an argument and that was your conclusion?!" Gilda asked out of frustration

"Yeah...?" the girl didn't seem to have understood why they were pissed off. "Norman, why are they pissed off?"

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