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"clem?" i his voice is obvious, we're the only two here with a slight new york accent, and no southern twang. i turn around and look at him before grabbing charlotte and pulling her out of the cafè.

"we need to go," i say, hopping into her white honda civic, "now," i see schlatt run outside, but we're already tailing out of the restaurant.

"was that someone you know," charlotte asks as we pull down the street, making a few turns incase we were getting followed by him.

"um, kind of," i laugh a little and explain that was jschlatt, and she stared at me in disbelief.

"you ran away from him?" she stops at a stoplight just before we make it to the outskirts of the neighborhood where her house was.

"we... we have a past," i laugh a little, rubbing the back of my neck ashamed.

"wait. WAIT. schlatt? that asshole. he lives next door to me," i look over to her in dread as we cruise into her driveway.

"haha, funny joke," i laugh over to her. she doesn't say anything, "ha. ha. funny joke. right charlotte?" my teeth are now clenched

"i didn't know okay!" she puts up her arms in defense as she shuts off the car.

"you could've told me earlier! or introduced me to the neighbors?" i yell at her. i was being irrational. it wasn't her fault. he hated me. he had to.

"stop yelling. calm down. deep breath," she put a hand on my shoulder as i leaned back into the seat.

i look down to my pinkie, which had never seemed to heal just right. it still looked swollen, but i know it was just my imagination playing tricks on me. it was bent at a small angle, though. it never went back just right. charlotte runs my back lightly as i fiddle with me pinky. i wince in pain as i go to fuck with it.

"let's go inside, we can start to unpack, alright?" i nod my head as we rush inside. her house was an average size, much bigger than my apartment though. she said she inherited it from her great-grandmother when she turned 18, though. the room i was staying in had lots of windows. covered almost everyone inch of wall, except for where my closet was and the wall facing the house. if not for the giant hedges she had on one side of the house, the neighbor, or schlatt in this case, would get to see me naked. there was a door on the far side leading outside to a porch type enclosure, with no walls, but a roof hung overhead.

i drop my suitcases on the ground and start to sort out my clothes. crewnecks, tshirts, pants, shorts, skirts. all the piles help me relax, and when charlotte come in and offers to help i politely decline. she comes back later with a pb&j, which i also have to decline because my bitch ass nut allergy. she does make me some scrambled eggs. she knows i like them.

when i get done sorting my clothes, i start to make the room my own. first i put up some LEDs, because even in 2022, they're still fucking trendy. next was my christmas lights for my setup, which hadn't came in yet. it would probably take them a while. i put the lights in the corner. opening my final suitcase, i grab out my bedding, and put it on the queen bed that charlotte had gotten for me. she, may have been, a lot bigger steamer than me, her top stream spiking at 109K views.

i put schlatts sheets on. i couldn't sleep without them now. of course i wash them. it'd be gross not to. but, i make sure i buy the same cologne he uses, and spray it on there. call me sad, but i'm sad. it was all my fault that he left. i knew deep down i wanted him to stay, but i couldn't risk hurting another person in my life.

i had to lie to him to get him to leave. i had to tell him that i was just using him for his fame. using him for his body. i didn't actually like him. he seemed to buy it. you get used to bluffing sometimes. sometimes it feels like the truth. sometimes you can make yourself feel like it's the truth.

today, was one of the few days it rains in texas. or that's what charlotte told me anyways. the skies were grey, and it seems like they could tell that i was feeling shity, because i asked charlotte if i could move in all day, and i played the age card on her. she complied and said it didn't matter i was older than her, she owns the house. i thank her and head into my room to pretend like i'm in a sad music video.

i plug in my headphones and lay down on the bed, listening to my, "sad sad sad sad sad" playlist.

i actually started crying when 'Mr Loverman' from ricky montgomery started playing. it always made me cry. i stifled a laugh, trying to play off my tears before i realized i was alone. charlotte had mentioned earlier she needed to go grocery shopping, and luci didn't have the thumbs to open my door.

my sobbing started and ended within a five minute period. it soon turned to me having to look outside to a, rather attractive, man knocking on my window. it was the side not covered by the hedges, and so i jumped out of my boots when i saw him there with a large, green umbrella.

i gesture for him to come in, but make sure that i'm ready incase i am about to get killed. charlotte had two cars, so i didn't look like i was home alone, and one of them was a large truck that she had to borrow from her brother so she could get through to somewhere. it looked like there was a man home with me.

"hello?" i asked as the man took down his umbrella.

"are you okay?" he asked. i heard an accent that was definitely not from the south, but i couldn't pick up where. maybe canadian?

"i- um- yes? did i disturb you," i laugh a little and he shakes his head no furiously.

"no! no! not at all! i was out taking my dog for a walk and i saw you crying on your bed. and if my mom taught me anything it was, 'help people who are cryin' or don't get helped when you're crying' and so i decided to help you. i'm levi by the way," he reaches out his hand and i take it, sniffling.

"i'm clementine," i smile to him "clementine adair!" i shake his hand just as my father taught me, "most people call me clem though."

ahh levi the new love interest?
or just a good person?!
is he named after my fake boyfriend??
find out in the next episode of

anyways. i might start posting my volleyball games on my dash.

you can watch us lose lol.
but i do not want to b doxxed and as much as i trust you guys i do not trust you guys. so anywayz, mwah, mwah, goodnight!!

window; jschlattTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang