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|Part 1: The Sick |

The village of Certis. A small place, with kind people, and fresh goods always for sell. It was an agricultural town, with fields of golden wheat, and the sweetest berries anyone has ever tasted. It had a school, a bank, tons of farms, a little trading center, and an old fountain that spouted the purest water in the area, the inn was small, but Certis had very few visitors, so it wasn't that funded like everything else. It was far from the big cities and kingdoms, with a forest surrounding it with some mountains a few miles away. It was the perfect place for you and your family to grow up in. As a child, you often hid under the fruit carts and steal a few berries, which gave you a stomach ache after eating too much. The night tonight was cool, with little to no clouds. A perfect, quiet, night. The town lacked of life, because the villagers were all sleeping soundly in their beds after a hard day's work. All of the people here in Certis were hardworking folks, who knew all of the familiar faces in the area. The town never really had a mayor, but an elder who was a representative of everyone here. Animals were nesting in their beds, and children were dreaming of leaving one day, or candy and desserts. That is until a rowdy smokey machine had entered the edge of town. It spewed smoke and gears turning with the steam to keep it moving. It took a few minutes for the smoke to finally disappear, but it did eventually giving it's passengers a perfect view of the now grumpy town.

"Wow look at that! The town looks deserted." A ginger Iop pointed out from the window.

"Maybe it's because their SLEEPING LIKE WE SHOULD BE!!" A sadidan maiden yelled due to not sleeping since last night.

Two kids who were sleeping soundly were now wide awake from the girl's loud voice. But when Elely woke up, she ended up hitting her older brother in the eye, which he retaliated by giving the Iop girl a kick.

"Ow! What was that for?" She hissed and punched him in the arm.

"That was for hitting my eyeball! And this is for my arm!" Then the young Cra pushed his sister off of the little couch.

Then an old man walked up from the driver seat to the now bickering two and shh'd them. "Shh, quiet you two! You don't want to wake up the whole town do ya?"

Too late for that, his piece of 'art' he called a vehicle had already done it for them.

The green haired girl rolled her brown eyes and scoffed. "How do we even know it's here anyway?"

"Because when it comes to something valuable," the old man let out a know it all chuckle, and exclaimed, "I know exactly how to find it! Not only is it as good as that sap in that cured you Amalia all those years ago, but it's worth 3x as more! And having a town near by makes it twice as easy!"

"3... times... two. Two is the time and... 3 was," the father of the two kids. scratched his head, trying to do the math. "What was 3?"

"Uh, I think it was sap?" His daughter guessed.

"Ahh haha! Look everybody! A Iop trying out multiplication." A demonic shushu said from his owner's palm.

It's guardian lifted his hand out and yelled, "Hey!! What's so funny about that?! I can do 'mutble catpation'!" But the shushu kept laughing, so as punishment, he punch him in the eye. "Quiet Rubilax!"

"Shh! Don't any of you have any idea what quiet means?" Asked a Cra woman holding her sleeping baby. Her green eyes glared at her lover, making him chuckle nervously.

"Sorry Eva," he apologized while scratching his head. "And... did Yugo fall asleep while standing?"

The entire group stopped what they were doing and looked at their youngest companion. The man (but looks like a boy) hadn't said anything because he was asleep. His eyes closed with his head tilted slightly downwards, a small mumble could be heard from under the hat. The team had been riding in Ruel's contraption for the past couple of days, with not a village in sight, until now. Everybody was tired of being cooped up in a tiny space, and was exhausted, just collapsing onto the ground sounded good to them, but a village was right there, so they kept on standing. A few people in the group talked and bickered due to being cranky as they climbed out one by one. Elely and her brother threw insults back and forth, and a easy to set off princess was right behind them. Yugo's tofu, Az, had wiggled out of his pocket and flew in front of his owner, chirping frantically to wake him up or else he'd get left behind. It worked, but the bird nearly got hit since he suprised the Eliatrope from his nap. His hand grazed the tofu ever so lightly"Waah! Wha...?"

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