All it Takes is a Thought

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This chapter was edited by ariatales__. Thanks to them this chapter has become moi perfect! Or should I say.... bonita? Yes. They made this chapter bonita.
Very bonita.

Thank u so much for the help!

And as for u my little horndogs, there's a surprise at the end.


|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

As quiet as you could, you tiptoe down the hall, heels taken off long ago to prevent any noise. You carried them in your hand to use as a weapon just in case. The music from the party had started to slowly grow faint the further away you got. Dim lights from above provided just enough light to see where you were going, but dark enough to where you could easily hide if a guard came stomping by. It was very silent in the building, since nearly everyone is back in the ballroom, and thanks to that it won't be as difficult to find the couple that snuck out. One step after the other, you stayed close to the wall, checking behind you every once in a while just in case.

Chills ran up your spine from the slightly nippy air, goosebumps had begun to rise on your skin when you made a right to a different corridor. You wish you took the coat, then you wouldn't be as cold. After this, you’re going back and getting it, especially since it has the photos of the roof incident. Gods you can't even imagine the embarrassment if someone like Rubilax or Eva were to find it. You're planning on burning those pictures when you get back to the house. Can’t leave any thing up to chance, and it's too much of a risk for your dignity. You weren't ready to tell Fionda about your sudden crush yet either, let alone have her see you sleeping with him.

Yugo's tofus remained on your shoulders, having made Az sit so his wings wouldn't give you away. Heart beating slightly faster for the fear of being caught, you can hear your own breathing when the music completely faded all together. To help unnerve yourself, you take a deep calming breath, and think how close you are to finding your brother. All you gotta do is find that red lady and she can take you to him and all the other sadidans.

"How much longer?"

At the sound of a woman's voice, you walk little quicker to poke your head around the corner where the noise came from. Further along the hall are a man and woman, walking slowly along. The man was holding a candle to light the way to wherever they're going. Bingo, found you. "Settle down will you? We're almost there, just a few more minutes now." He told her, waving off her impatience.

You keep close to them, being mindful not to move too suddenly and make a sound. The two switched between a jog and speed walking here and there as the man led the lady through the halls. Spying with no heels on made things a whole lot easier. Why are they even out here in the first place? You could think of only one explanation. It’s pretty possible that they left because they're going to discuss something in private, something that nobody should hear. Why else would someone in red leave a social event like that riddle said?

After some minutes of bobbing through random halls, they finally stopped in front of a white painted door. The taller person reaches for the door knob as the woman looks around anxiously. "Alright, this is it."

"Are you sure we're not gonna get caught?" She questioned.

Her head twists to the direction you were in, and you pull back behind the heavenly printed wall before she could see you. That was close. "I'm positive. This is the perfect moment to do it. With all eyes on the Bells Halls Ball, we'll have plenty of time before someone notices we're gone." He pushes the door, being the first to enter. "Do you know how long it took to gather everything together? I put a lot of effort into it."

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