Welcome to Bonta

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|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

Onward the newly repaired driller went, going faster then any dragoturkey breed, faster then the fastest wabbit. Light and humorous chatter filled the cabin area. You though, you sat by one of the windows, watching as dozens of farmlands went by. There weren't as many forests, and the much more familiar oak trees were replaced by cherry trees, and api orchards. You saw farmers out harvesting their crops, and people using gobbowls to drag the bigger hoes around to spread their seed since smaller hoes don't do as good of a job.

Feelings and thoughts still lingered from last night. Like when someone steps on a piece of gum that won't come off no matter how many times you wipe your fucking feet. Its safe to say your feelings are one huge spaghetti mess right now. Hearing conversations behind you, you turn around to see Yugo boiling something on the fireplace, happily chattering with Dally and Flopin. Rubilax looked your way, he waved to you.

Stupid shushu, saying all that crap at the table. You flip him off, which gets him to chuckle. Then you went back to the window. How you hate your life right now. And to top it off you could hardly sleep, while everyone else snooze the night away, you just stayed in bed staring at the ceiling. And when ever you closed your eyes your dreams would become nightmares and all you'd see and hear was darkness, and screams. Lots of screams.

You put your head against the wall, and lean against it. A yawn comes out, making you even more tired. At least your almost to Bonta, yay. Just a little longer and you get to yell at your idiot brother and take him to a gobowl game after. Breakfast went by pretty fast, and before you could even blink everybody was already in the drill ready to go. Typical really. And so nobody would notice your mood, you decided to sit by yourself, with only your dog on your lap. You softly stroke her fur as she slept.

Out of the corner of your eyes, you see someone walk up to you with a cup in their hand. "Here, you look like you could use this more then me."

Of course it's him. Why not? Thank you whoever is in charge of the universe. Fuck you. "Oh, t-thank you Yugo."

Your heart skipped a beat. You take the cup from him, and see that it's coffee. At least he's not sitting next to you, not in a bad way, but you aren't sure your body can make it through all of his faces and charms alive. With one sip, it was like heaven came into your mouth and made it's home there. You hum in content. Now this is something that can brighten up your face on any given day. "So why are you sitting alone?" He asked as he sat up against the wall on the other side of the window.

Fuuuuck. Why is he sitting why is he sitting??? Fuck you god.

"I uh, I just didn't sleep too good last night. Nothing major." You cool said like a total complete pro and not like a dumbass at all who is now a simp for him. Shit, you were fooling no one...

"Oh." He looked down at his palms, slightly frowning. "Did you have any nightmares last night?"

How did he know? Your eyebrows go up, and you nod. "Yeah, how did you know?"

"After dealing with all of that in one day, anyone in their right mind would have nightmares." He said simply. His voice went a little softer, a little quieter. "I know I have my fair share of them."

You tilt you head as you ask, taking another drink. What can cause him, one if the most positive people you know, to have nightmares? "Can I ask what they're about?"

Yugo put a hand to his chest. "My nightmares?" You move your head up and down. He leaned his head back, eyes going a bit distant. "A lot of things. Nox, Adamaï, Quilby, sometimes even about my friends. And you?"

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