A Web of Emotions

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|Part 1: The Sick |

"This forest uh... seems a little dead to me." Amalia said as she looked at what was in front of her.

"And the road through it is blocked. I mean, look at this!" Dally walked closer and gestured to the trees. "Do you have any idea how much spiders it would take to do this?"

"More then you can count that's for sure." Someone mumbled

"Is this even the right road?" Ruel wondered.

"Y/n, don't get too close. Unless you want a spider to land on you." Fionda advised with her head poking out of the door of the driller.

You immediately jump back with your arms close. The map (which turned out to be a shushu) had told the wrong directions again to go in, and now you were here, in front of a forest with no leaves, no critters hiding within, and there was no grass anywhere just dirt and dead tree limbs. But what made it so bizarre, was the spider webs. It almost looked someone took some flavorless cotton candy and wrapped it around everything they can see. And where there were webs, there were archanias

The bark was black, and looked like a fire happened before a bunch of spiders turned it into Halloweenland. No way you were going througg this. Screw that. "Welp," you said clapping your hands, "I'm not seeing a way arund this, so I say we go."

The webs were so thick, it was hard to see through the forest, so it was going to be tough to navigate through. You walked back to the side of the driller, happy that nobody was going through that mess of the woods, when Eva pointed, "Hey, there's a sign over there."

Damn it. Everyone turned and indeed, there were a few posted signs with some pictures. A chill went up your spine, and you turned away from the signs, to the woods. It felt like someone was watching you, but it was dark inside, so it was hard to tell. Then 6 pairs of white lights appeared, very close to each other, and looked directly at you, before disappering a few seconds later. Nope!

"It just says danger, turn back." You heard Yugo say.

"Guys," you called, "can we just go around and be on our way? I don't mean to rush but this place is giving me the creeps."

Amalia nodded, which was weird since she hasn't agreed with you on anything since you've showed up. "She's right. I'd rather go through mud and worms then that."

Ruel grumbled 'women' and yelled out in his horase voice, "Okay everyone! Back inside! We're going under."

Don't have to ask me twice. You jumped into a portal only to show up on the inside of the cabin next to the fire place. Ah yes, this was more like it. You took a squat next to the fire as the others climbed back in. Fionda took a seat next to you with Elely and Flopin at the table. Those eyes that you've seen were creepy, and there was no way you were going into the forest after seeing that. Even if you hadn't seen that, you still wouldn't go in there. You'll stay inside thank you very much.

First to come inside was Ruel, then Dally, Eva, Amalia, and Yugo. They got all settled in, though Dally was complaining about being stuck in here for so long. "Ah, settle down Dally." His wife said as she sat next to him. "We've only been in here for an hour."

"That's what I'm saying!"

"Hey! That's enough you two." The owner of the drill snapped.
He slipped into his seat at the front and snapped his seatbelts on. "I can't drive with all of this distraction! Haven't you people heard of 'Don't distract the driver?' Wait, don't answer that, I already know what it is."

The door closed once everyone was in, and it made the vehicle shake a little. As Ruel turned the knobs and levers, you turned to Fionda who was looking at the fire and asked, "Have you ever been in anything like this before?"

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