Operation Preparation

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Oh my goodness guys she GorGEoUs-!

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Oh my goodness guys she GorGEoUs-!

Art by: olli_oxenfree

Btw, if y'all ever want to draw something from the book and wish for it to be shown in the future chapters, don't be afraid to message me! Ur more then welcome to, I promise I don't bite.... anymore 🤣😁

|Part 2: We're Going For A Ride|

Breakfast was as crowded in the little kitchen as it was busy. Practically everybody was in it, standing in line with their plates and utensils as Yugo cooked and served their food one by one over by the stove. The room was pretty chaotic too. Elely and Flopin were arguing with each other again, Pin was egging them on from his dad's demonic arm. Eva was trying to get the two to knock it off, Fionda had wandered out with her food, and so forth.

Too tired to think about anything, you grab a plate off the counter and wait behind Ruel until it was your turn. The enutrof perks up and turns around to say, "Y/n my favorite-," his joyful smile turns into one that had fear and shock in it when he laid his eyes upon you. Junior hides behind Ruel's legs. "Urg! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

Bags sat under your eyes. Your hair was an absolute mess, and your clothes were ruffled from sleeping in them. Last night really wore you out, so much to the point that you just wanted to go back to bed. "Haha, very funny Ruel."

He gasps. "Whoa, talking before you had your coffee? That's different. Did you have a rough night last night?"

Rough was an understatement, more like crazy and filled with near death experience. And that dream... where you kissed Yugo... on the lips... you feel a warm fluttering in your stomach just thinking about it. "Just uh, had a weird dream last night was all." You told him, looking away.

Even though you had kept telling yourself to stop thinking about it, its all you can think about. The way his lips felt, how warm his skin was, the brightness of the blue coming off of him... and the real thing is less then ten fucking feet away from you. How cruel fate had to be today. The enutrof made you snap out of your thoughts. "Oh, did you dream about anything that might... you know." His wrinkly hands sprung up as an explosion sound came out of his beard.

"No, nothing like that." You mumble.

"Well, just think on the bright side: we get hot off the stove breakfast made by none other then Chef Yugo! A day doesn't go by I eat his food or Alibert's."

You move your head to the side a little as Amalia got served her food. Yugo had on a white apron tied around his waste, flipping pancakes and tossing eggs while giving the sadidanette her meal at the same time. "Yeah, I've noticed." You tell him, pulling yourself back. "His gobbowl stew is pretty good. I'd love to have it again for dinner or something."

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