The Talk

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|Part 1: The Sick |

The ride was cheery, the driller bounced here and there whenever it hit a rock or a pothole. Everyone was in better moods, even Amalia. Your precious child Min laid at your feet, chewing on a bone. But you still had that bit of guilt from earlier. You sat at the table, staring out the window and watching the trees and fields go by. It's been a good two hours since it happened, and there's a few things bugging you.

You still can't get the kids faces out of your head when you yelled. It's so much like the ones their parents made it almost creeped you out. Everyone was doing their own thing. Ruel was driving, Amalia sulked near the fire, Yugo was wandering around the cabin looking for something, Elely was chatting with Fionda while Eva and Dally happily played with the baby on the floor.

You were so stuck in your head that you didn't notice Flopin sit across from you. "Hey Y/n?"

Holy shit its Flopin. Are all cras like this? You jerked your head from the window to the little cra. With his big brown eyes and pointed ears, he somewhat reminded you of a deer. "What's up Flopin?"

"I was just wondering what your brother's like?" He asked curiously, placing his hands on the table. "Since you and Fionda are sure making a pretty big trip to see him."

Yeah, that was true. "Ya got a point there, yeah. If it wasn't going to be me and Fionda doing this, it could've been Emile, or Jack. Possibly my other brother Pan. Have you met him?" You rested your head on your arms, getting a bit comfortable.

He shook his blonde head side to side. "No, but I think Yugo has. I remember him talking to your sibling about it back in Certis." Then his pointy ears came down and spoke, "but your mom terrifies me."

You turned and watched Yugo move a few seat cushions, wondering what he was searching for. Then you went back to the conversation with Flopin. "Relax, you ain't the only one who is, that's certain. But Habhaï..." nearly ever single memory you had of him run through your head. You looked out the window to see passing trees and forests. You knew he always had a thing for wood. "He's the oldest out of all of us. He's strong, big, a total idiot for poetry, and when we let him win the guy rubs it in our faces. He's also a pretty good woodcarver. That's actually his job in Bonta."

Habhaï made the little wooden sword that Chufird had, the table that sat in the dinning room, and a few others. "Wanna see something that he made me for my birthday?"

"Sure." Flopin shrugged

You reached into your bag, rummaging through it until you found what you were looking for. Aha, gotcha. "Here it is."

And you pulled out an old wooden doll, with a plain white dress and straw for blonde hair. Painted eyes stared back at you and Flopin. You had so many memories playing with this old thing you considered it your good luck charm. "I give you princess Barka.

"Y/n that's the most disturbing thing I've ever seen."

You looked back at him and the doll, taken aback by his words. What's he talking about? "Uh, what?"

The boy cra eyed it before answering, as if he was afraid of the thing jumping into his face. "It's just that it looks creepy, and pretty worn too."

"Well- that- that's just because it was clearly loved when I was a little girl." You defended and pulled the toy closer to your chest. You stared down at it, moving a few hair string out of her face. Princess Barka isn't creepy. "She was like my best friend when my mama scared all the other kids away. I took her everywhere as a child."

"Wait. Your Mother wouldn't let you play with the other kids? Y/n that's.... sad."

It got awkward from there. Flopin's words hung in the air, soaking into your skin while the kid just stared at you with his eyes. You not knowing what to do or say to that, just stared back at him. Nobody said a thing until the man in the blue hat and yellow tank top came by, searching around the table. "Hey, has anybody seen Az? I can't find him."

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